Unjust acts of past begin to haunt Kashmir centric leaders: Brig Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 21: In response to various media reports and discussion in Parliament casting doubt over Government’s claim of total normalcy in Kashmir, Brig Anil Gupta, spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today said, “The opposition is back to its usual trick of emotional exploitation of people based on false propaganda instead of factual data and with statements laced with superlative adjectives to create an impression that hell has been let lose in Kashmir.”
In a statement issued here, today he said the return of normalcy in Kashmir does not suit their narrative of opposing the Government’s decision of August 5 this year and hence they continue in usual mode of denial and victimhood unmindful of their role in the past.
During the discussion in Rajya Sabha when Leader of the Opposition (LOP) and veteran Congress leader from J&K questioned the statement of the Home Minister by saying, “It looks like the Home Minister is referring to the report of some other State,” he was challenged by the Home Minister to have a debate based on facts and figures but the former chose to sit down rather than accepting the challenge. It speaks volumes about the normalcy in Kashmir because the LOP’s statement was nowhere near the truth, asserted Brig Gupta.
The question like “Why opposition leaders detained if situation is normal” is illogical because those asking the question very well know that, “situation is normal because the opposition leaders are detained,” said Brig Gupta. The people have been witness to the events in the past under the watch of the same very leaders when hundreds of precious Kashmiri lives were lost due to bloodshed.”These leaders preferred their chair over the lives of innocent Kashmiris,” rued Brig Gupta. He further said, “The present NDA Government under Narendra Modi is determined to prevent the loss of precious Kashmiri lives at any cost.”
Digging into history Brig Gupta reminded the Opposition of the arrests of PanditPremNath Dogra and 294 workers of PrajaParishad in February 1949 for eight months under “DafaTun” (section 3 of RPC-arrest without warrant) by Sheikh Abdullah and inhuman treatment meted to them in severe Winter in Kashmir jails just because they demanded total integration of the State with India. He also said that the nation has not forgotten the way Dr Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, a sitting MP and ex-Central Cabinet Minister was treated by the then Congress and NC governments by keeping him under solitary confinement leading subsequently to his death in custody, the first political murder of independent India.