Lord of Parthi

Capt Purshotam Sharma

“Of all good deeds, the best is Seva, intelligent and loving service to those in need.
The body is the Temple of God. He resides therein. The intellect, the mind and the senses which constitute this Temple are His, not ours to be handled as our whims dictate. They are His instruments, to be used by Him, for Him’’,- Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba.
Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba, an Incarnation of this age, was born at 5:06 AM on the night of Monday/Tuesday in Ardara Nakshatra on November 23, 1926, in Ratnakar family belonging to Bhardwaja Gotra in a remote hamlet of Puttaparthy falling in Anantpur District of Andhra Pradesh inhabited by one hundred souls only. In late sixties, a foreigner called this village “ten minutes past the stone age’’. Today it is a model modern township of magnificence humming with spiritual activities, both Heaven and Haven for His devotees.
It is believed that Sage Bhardwaja was granted a boon by Lord Shiva that He will incamate in his Gotra thrice in Kaliyuga. The first incarnation was Shirdhi Sai born on September 27, 1838, to Devgiriamma and Ganga Bhavida in Village Patri near Manmad in Maharashtra, the second was Sri Sathya Sai Baba born to Maa Easwaramma and Pedda Venkama Raju at Puttaparthi and the third incarnation will be Prema Sai in Mandya District of Karnatakan State.
One day Smt Easwaramma was fetching water from the village well. There was a flash of brilliant light in the sky. It was through the entry of that light in her body that she conceived the Divine child who had chosen her and Sri Pedda Venkama Raju as parents of His physical body. It was Easwaramma’s neighbour, Karnam Subamma, a Brahmin lady, who named the child Sathyanarayana. The child did not cry at the time of its birth but delighted everybody around with enchanting smile.The child was ‘mitbhashi’ (one of few words), mithaari’’ (moderate in intake of food) and ‘shakahaari’ (vegetarian) and preached to His fellows to be vegetarian.
He was darling child of the village and was known ‘biddal guru’ (child teacher) a Brahmjnani, a Vendanthi. In His childhood, He composed ‘bhajans’ and led pandari bhajan groups of children in which His Mother and Subamma joined. He was exceptionally proficient in music, dance, drama and poetry. He participated in the Muslim festivals celebrations alongwith His friends. He made revelation of His Avtaarhood on May 23, 1940, declaring “I am Sai Baba’’. It was the glorious day of October 20, 1940, on which the master of the Universe, on return from His school, put away His satchel and took to His Divine Mission of transformation of mankind. He made His Divine Mission known on May 25, 1947, in a letter to His elder brother declaring-
‘He had incarnated to ensure blissful lives to all mankind;.
To save and lead into goodness to those who stray from the straight path;
To ameliorate the sufferings of the down-trodden and fulfill their needs; and
Never to give up those who took refuge in Him.’
To accomplish His Mission, the compassionate Lord had been incessantly working through the medium of Sai Philosophy founded on five pillars of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. His message of manifestation of these human values is working wonders in the transformation of the world. Although He has shed His mortal coils, His presence is still felt throughout the world wherever and whenever He is remembered. He reaches instantaneously on the call of His devotees both on the occasions of rejoicings and pains, blesses them in dreams, guards, guides and lightens them from the burdens of worries and woes. He cures from the deadly diseases, averts fatal accidents and air crashes. Five elements of nature obey Him and growing wild animals reverentially submit to Him. He visits thousands of His devotees all over the world at any one point of time revealing His presence through Vibhuti, honey and dry fruits which appear before His images and photographs. Use of Vibhuti is the remedy for all maladies.
Swami says “Love is My form, Truth is My breath, Bliss is My food. The world cannot exist without Love. God resides as Love in the hearts of all.’’ The word SAI has inner significance. S stands for Service (‘seva’), A for Adoration (‘prema’) and I for Illumination (‘viveka’). It also means transformation at Spiritual, Association and Individual levels. He has been bonding the world into a family and ushering in Golden Age. Devotees from all over the world gather at Puttaparthy to celebrate festivals of spiritual rejoicings and they live, eat, jostle, sing and meditate together. Serenity, sanguinity and sanctity abound the world’s spirtual centre Puttaparthy. He says “ I consider students as Higher Learning is a Deemed to be University which has its campuses at Bengaluru, Muddenhalli and Anantpur also. These Temples of learning include kindergartens to post graduation. His social welfare projects speak volumes on service to humanity. The Super Specialty Hospitals at Puttaparthi and Bengaluru are unmatched in excellence. These temples of healing provide medical treatment to millions of people free of any charge. Education is also free and excels in academic excellence and character excellence. His massive Drinking Water projects have quenched the thirts of millions of people. Hs has been providing relief to victims of natural calamities, built roads, bridges and houses for the shelter-less and undertaken many social calamities, built roads, bridges and houses for the shelter-less and undertaken many social welfare activities of job generating nature for the benefit of the poor and destitute.
Laying down Nine Codes of Conduct, He calls upon His Devotees to –
* Meditate and do inward repetition of the name of the Lord regularly;
* Sing bhajans together at least once a week with all family members.
* Ensure participation of all the children of the family in Balvikas program;
* Participate in social welfare activities organized by the society and Sai Samitis
* Attend Nagar Sankeertan and Sai Bhajans Session at least once a month
* Study Sai Literature regularly; Speak sweetly; Refrain from speaking ill of others; Perform Narayan Seva by sparing some food and feed the poor everyday.
In His Ten Commandments He wants to devotees to –
* Be patriotic
* Respect all religions
* Treat all as your own brothers and sisters
* Keep houses and surroundings neat and clean
* Not to have any difference of caste, creed or religion
* Honour the Law of the Land
* Do not give or take bribes
* Do your own work and not to depend on others
* Discourage begging but strive to provide livelihood to the needy; and
* Have fear of sin and Love for God.