‘Apprise people about benefits of abrogating Art 370’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 30: Emphasizing that there was no scope for any kind of separatism left now in wake of the scraping of much controversial provisions of Article 370 and 35-A, the former Union Minister, Prof Chaman Lal Gupta has termed it as ridiculous that the national lever party like the Congress and its cronies had not been able to realize their past blunders and formulate any clear cut stand even on issues which were linked with the unity and integrity of the country.
“Congress senior leaders are tuning in contradictory voices thus providing encouragement to dubious characters in Kashmir and elements hostile to India elsewhere,” he said and also stressed for rectifying the wrongs of the past decades inflicted to the people under communal and regional considerations ensuring justice to all.
In a statement, Prof Gupta said it was an irony that under communal considerations, Article 370 was incorporated as a Temporary Provision but it remained in the statue book for seventy years. “Pandit Prem Nath Dogra and his colleagues had opposed this obnoxious move at the very beginning but they were subjected to face the horrible situation and jailed at Srinagar in severe winter for months together. There was a long saga of struggle to seek the end of creation of fiefdom for a few families,” he added.
Observing that uneasiness was obvious amongst those who abused the provisions for long years, he stressed for effective measures to make the people of J&K to feel how the change was beneficial to the common man as also for having peace and progress.
In this regard, Prof Gupta welcomed the step”Back to Village” to have excess to the masses and try to empower the people at the grass root level. But well planned efforts were must to clear the mess created over the decades, he added.
Prof Gupta hoped that the new dispensation would also address to the basic problems of the common people including the health, water, power, rations etc on priority basis. Above all there should be no let up in the drive against tackling the cross border terror, he stressed.