
Saturday Dec 07-2019

Aries : You may be alone, but not necessarily lonely. You may want to listen to your inner voice, and express your true self creatively. Spend the evening with a loved one who can hear the music in your silence too, suggests Ganesha.

Taurus : You may feel let down as your folks may not extend the support you expected from them, says Ganesha You should try to remain practical and not get swayed by emotions. It is highly likely that family feuds may erupt today. Ganesha advises you to avoid confrontations and keep smiling to emerge a winner.

Gemini : Your long-term goals seem to be shaping up well. You may also expect some good news, which will change the course of your life. Play a waiting game in matters of auctions and sealed tenders. And memorise these words: Prevention is better than cure.

Cancer : There is something different about today. It is unlike any other day. Just when you will start believing that there is nothing great about the day, it will spring a surprise. There have been days where life has thrown carrots at you; then there have been days when it has hurled brickbats. Today, you will be on the receiving end of countless kisses.

Leo : On some days, the sun doesn’t seem to have risen from the east, and neither does it seem you have gotten up on the right side of the bed. You start your day in a tensed atmosphere in the morning, caused by some annoyance on the part of one of your family members. But the day is not as bad as it seems. Your mood will change for the better as the day progresses, thanks to your attempt to keep yourself busy. Ganesha actually expects the day’s initial distress to turn into an evening of ecstasy.

Virgo : The bulb of ideas will burn bright today. A possible see-saw between your contractual obligation and current duties may baffle you. New contacts will stand you in good stead. Blood will prove thicker, and family and friends will consolidate their place in your life.

Libra : Letting things build up inside you is never a good idea. Learn from this as there is every possibility that today might turn out to be an aggravating and exasperating day for you. You may feel that way due to all the amassed emotions and resentments, so let it all go. It would be a good idea to take a break from the routine and bring in some freshness. Recharge yourself by indulging in some fun and frolic today, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : It is very likely that the moment of victory is often preceded by a moment of peril; but that is not where the danger ends. In the heat of victory, arrogance and overconfidence can push you away from what you aimed for. So, it is important for you to learn when to stop in victory. Set a goal and stop when you reach there, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : You may have been experiencing hair loss in the past due to back-breaking stress, but things will begin to clean up today. As complex issues begin to fall in place, you are likely to receive some good news about a promotion or increment. At the end of the day, you will feel content in your comfort zone in the company of near and dear ones.

Capricorn : It may seem too far-fetched, but your boss will bank on your brilliance and unmatched abilities to get respite from the existing problems, says Ganesha. Moreover, much to the dismay of your rivals, you will have your way and gain popularity by winning the hearts of your clients. While spending time with your beloved, you may share certain experience that were, until now, locked up inside you.

Aquarius : Ganesha says it’s okay to cry on somebody’s shoulders. In fact, sharing problems lightens the load, and if nothing else, your friends will think you’re as human as them. You will feel much better by evening and will even smile a little, says Ganesha.

Pisces : Needless rigidity only serves to imprison you within outmoded walls of faulty reasoning. Inculcating some flexibility will give you some much-needed wriggle room to manoeuvre things your way for good, says Ganesha.