Detention of Farooq under PSA shameful to our democratic traditions: Stalin

CHENNAI: Asserting that detention of former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah under Public Safety Act (PSA) was disrespectful to Constitutional values,  pposition DMK President M K Stalin on Sunday demanded his immediate release.
Mr Stalin tweeted ”it is shameful to our democratic traditions and disrespectful to our Constitutional values that 82-year old Member of Parliament, Farooq Abdullah, former Chief Minister and Union Minister, is being held under Public Safety Act without any basis.
”I demand his immediate release!”, he added.

It may be noted that ever since the Centre abrogated Article 370 of the Constitution that revoked the Special Status accorded to J and K and bifurcated it into two Union Territories, Mr Farooq has been held under the PSA.
Leaders of various political parties, including the Congress, the DMK and the MDMK had been demanding his release as his detention was Unconstitutional.
The issue also echoed in the recent Parliament session with the members raising the issue and demanded that all those detained in J and K should be released. (AGENCIES)