Encashment of our rich cultural heritage

Why should we not see lot of potential in our rich cultural heritage and exploit it commercially in respect of tourism and research and inquisitive pursuits by scholars? For that, it is mandatory that such symbols and signs , monuments and structures, forts and palaces, caves and shrines and other related things are preserved, maintained and developed with ancillary facilities for tourists and visitors. There are a few, though not many, projects currently going on related to tourism and conservation of cultural heritage in Jammu which were inspected recently by Union Minister of State for Tourism who too called for pristine glory to be restored to such historic monuments so that tourists could get attracted to visit them.
Now -a-days, the trend and the taste of tourists too are undergoing changes as instead of or in addition to, visiting scenic spots, they find lot of interest in knowing about the cultural and historical heritage of various destinations known for the same. Jammu being a place of promising potential needs to get preferred attention from the authorities in making such heritage attractive. Initial investments could start paying returns within short time and on continuous basis and such earnings could be harvested back for their further upkeep and maintenance.