Rao hits out at Cong for double standards on Art 370

‘Cong wants to give citizenship to Pak, Bangla Muslims’
Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, Dec 28: Hitting out at Congress for its double standards on Article 370 which was a barrier in total merger of Jammu and Kashmir with rest of India, BJP national general secretary, Murlidhar Rao today said it was the Congress which wanted to erode the separate Constitutional status of the erstwhile State and BJP carried forward the same.
Addressing a seminar organized by “Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Nayas (Trust)” on “Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA)-2019, at Teachers’ Bhawan Auditorium here today, he lambasted Congress for its double speaks on Article 370. He said that all the top leaders of Congress were in opposition of Article 370 and even some said that it will die its own course, and asked why the present Congress leaders are making such hue and cry over its annulment.?
Rao said former Prime Minister, Jawahar Lal Nehru and other Congress leaders are on record to say that Article 370 will get eroded with passage of time so one fails to understand why Congress is opposed to it’s abrogation by Narendra Modi Government which did noting extra but only brought the process started by Congress to its logical conclusion.
He said Rahul Gandhi is crying for Article 370 and showing more love for it when Congress leaders inside and outside the Parliament had admitted that it was a temporary and not permanent provision in the Constitution. From Nehru to Gulzari Lal Nanda , Kamwat, Sardar Patel and other socialist leaders are on record having said that it was the temporary provision of the Constitution. “But now the leaders of the party are crying after its abrogation”, he added.
He said Article 370 which had created a State within the State and nationalism can’t go together. The BJP had given sacrifices and it fought a long drawn struggle for its abrogation and the Congress leaders are now opposing the same.
Turning tables on Congress leadership, Rao said “we did what Nehru, Patel and Nanda had said. But Congress leadership is in deep shock as the Article 370 which they loved most has gone”. He asked Congress leadership to clear stand whether they believe in nationalism or not.
He said there can be differences in political ideology but no compromise will be made on nationalism. He also blamed Congress of harming and murdering secularism in India after independence. Those blaming BJP of harming secularism owe an explanation to nation that where were their secular credentials when entire Hindu minority was forced to flee from Kashmir.
“What service the Congress party did to secularism”?, he asked.
Levelling serious charges on Congress of misleading people on every occasion and trying to put nation on fire, Rao accused the 135 years old party of adopting the same role now which was played by Muslim League during the time of country’s division.
BJP State president, Ravinder Raina, Chairman of Trust, former MLC Ashok Khajuria and party State general secretary, Dr. Narinder Singh also spoke on the occasion.
P. Murlidhar Rao, held Congress responsible for all crisis in the country at present. He said Congress, which was considered by British a Hindu party and Muslim League which divided India as Muslim party performed the same role after independence what Muslim League did during the division of the nation. He said it is the Congress which murdered secularism in the country after independence by its wrong policies.
Criticising the role of Congress on CAA, he alleged that party wants to grant citizenship rights to Muslims of Pakistan and Bangladesh which can’t be allowed till BJP and Narendra Modi is there”.
Taking a jibe at the Congress leaders, he said Rahul Gandhi and others are saying that BJP has no contribution in Indian freedom struggle. “I agree with it because many parties including BJP did not exist at that time, but this doesn’t mean that no party except Congress has any right to take part in national politics, ” he added.
Lambasting former Congress president, Rahul Gandhi, Rao alleged that Congress leader, speaks same language which Pak PM, Imran Khan is speaking and “I doubt that their speech writer and advt agency may be same”.
Rao, said that a nexus has been created by Communists, Congress and fundamentals, whose vicious alliance has always done harm to the nation. He said that the Communist ideology is altogether rejected by the present think tank and time is not away when the party will be seen in Museums of the country as people have rejected it after seeing through its game plan. He, while quoting the editorials of mouthpiece of Communist party from the year 1942, said the party had strongly advocated for multi partition of India on the basis of religions and languages. Congress is once again proceeding on the similar lines, he added.
Rao, made it clear that BJP can never do anything unconstitutional and all those who are shedding blood on the roads presently must adopt it in their minds that everything done on CAA is in the spirits of Constitution of India, which was demanded by all the great leaders including those of Congress and Supreme Court of India is the best authority to check its legality.
Rao, said that nothing exceptional has been done now in the Act, as it is in continuation of earlier processes. Various windows have been opened up in the earlier times like that for Sri Lanka and Uganda refugees and in future also such windows will be opened in according to the need of the time. He said that Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi after the formation of Pakistan promised to all the minorities of Pakistan at that time that they can come to India at any point of time whenever they feel insecure there and Indian Government will ensure jobs and other facilities to them.
Sharply reacting to the arson and violence over the Act, he said there are clear proofs that reveal Congress, Communists and fundamentalist lobby is behind these organized violent protests.
“They are not at all fighting for Indian Muslims, as this Act cannot do any harm to Indian Muslims. All the Indian minorities including Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Bodhs, Christians, Parsis and others will remain Indian citizens forever and they have nothing to worry”. Rao said, adding that BJP believes that nation and the Government is over and above all religions.
Rao, accused former PM Jawahar Lal Nehru of giving away the important part of erstwhile J&K State as PoJK to Pakistan on platter which resulted in the direct link of Pakistan with China forming a major socio-economic power corridor in the region. He said had there been no PoK our forces would not have to make sacrifices at Siachen. This is the result of Nehru’s follies, he added.
Earlier, Ravinder Raina gave brief introduction of the seminar and said they all have to counter the misinformation about the CAA, which is to give the citizenship right to the religiously persecuted minorities and not to take away right of anyone. He also denounced the act of vandalizing private and public property during the rights. He labelled them as the agents of Pakistan who work for bringing the bad name to the country.
Ashok Khajuria complimented the national leader for great informative speech and clearing away the doubts in the minds of audience present. He complimented all the prominent civil society members for the valued contribution in the programme.
Dr. Narinder Singh coordinated and managed the whole programme.