Cong cautions against communal designs of BJP

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 1:  Cautioning the people against the designs of communal and divisive forces who are weakening the strength of nation, Congress has said that party remains committed to maintaining of religious brotherhood and to promoting the principle of unity in diversity in the country, for overall peace and progress.
Addressing a largely attended public meeting at Ban in Nagrota constituency organized by senior Congress leader and former MLA, Th Shiv Dev Singh today , JKPCC chief spokesperson . Ravinder Sharma has said that those forces who are creating wedge on communal and religious lines are weakening the roots of the nation and posing threat to peace and harmony for their divisive politics.
He said the peace and harmony can be maintained in the pluralistic society by respecting the diversity and following the principle of unity in diversity only and those who want to reap political dividends by divisive means are weakening the nation. He said that Congress stands committed to maintaining communal harmony and religious brotherhood by respecting the diversity in this country.
Former MLA Nagrota Shiv Dev Singh in his address said that Congress party has always worked for the welfare of each and every section of society and promoted peace and communal harmony to maintain unity amongst people. He said that the roots of democracy were strengthened at grass root level in last 70 years by involving each and every section of the society, especially taking care of the poor and downtrodden. He regretted that the poor and the common man are suffering a lot because of unprecedented price hike and economic policies of BJP Government in the country. He also lashed out at the Central Government for disbanding State in to Union Territory and depriving the people of the State from their rightful place in the history.
He said that Congress party will fight for the cause of youth, farmers and common man and highlight their problems at all levels in an atmosphere of peace and democracy. He regretted that the UT administration is acting at the behest of BJP and not allowing the opposition to play their role in a democracy.
The rally was also addressed by block presidents Babu Khan, Vijay Sharma, Romal Singh, secretaries Neeraj Gupta, Sanjeev Sharma besides several Sarpanchs.