BJP, Sikh intellectuals condemn attack on Nankana Sahib Gurdwara

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 6: Jammu and Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today said that recent events taking place in Pakistan where Nankana Saheb Gurudwara had been attacked by religiously fanatic mob and silence of Pakistan Government on the issue thereby giving tactical support to such vandalism, justifies the thinking behind Citizen Amendment Act (CAA).
Chief Spokesperson BJP, Sunil Sethi said that such like religious persecution of minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan had made lives of minority living in these countries miserable and degrading and India has risen to the occasion to offer chance and opportunity to oppressed minorities in these countries to live life of dignity and honour .
He said forcibly abduction and conversion of a young Sikh girl demonstrates as to how unsafe are minorities in Pakistan where there is systematic annihilation and ethnic cleansing of the minorities by the State sponsored religious Intolerance. This is reason for minorities almost becoming extinct in these countries, he added.
He said that religious violence in Pakistan which started recently has already taken life of innocent Sikh youth. He called upon world community to take strong note of events taking place in Pakistan and to appropriately condemn and criticize such inhuman treatment of religious minorities in Pakistan. Situation in Bangladesh and Afghanistan of minorities are also no better, he added.
Meanwhile, All J&K POJK 1947 Sharnarthi Intellectual Forum has also strongly condemned the attack on holy Gurdwara at Nankana Sahib Pakistan by fundamentalist forces.
In a meeting here, today held under the chairmanship of Paramjeet Singh its vice president the Forum termed the attack totally unfortunate which has hurt the sentiments of entire humanity all over the globe in general and Sikh community in particular.
It said the activities which took place under the shadow of Pak PM, Imran Khan are open signal of inciting communal riots between the two communities. The meeting termed it a cowardice act of the Gundas, radicals and fundamentalist elements under a conspiracy of ISI which can’t be tolerated at any cost.
Surjit Singh general secretary of the Forum said that stone pelting took place at the birth place of Guru Nanak Dev Ji who has preached brotherhood and humanity. He said on the one hand Imran Khan is comparing the Nankana Sahib and Kartarpur Sahib with the holy Mecca and on the other a revered Gurdwara is subjected to stone pelting. Adv. Amrik Singh president of the Forum in his statement from abroad has sought the intervention of Muslim community all over the world in the matter and demanded death penalty for culprits.
The Forum also appealed the Union Home Minister, Amit Shah to summon the Pak Ambassador and issue a stern warning to him.