Cool Gurus – The Name conquering the world of E- Learning

Education is one amongst many fields that have benefitted from the advancement of technology. It is a well-known fact that new technologies can be impactful in making a difference in education. E-leaning is one of the most utilized technical applications in the field of education. E-learning has evolved with the advancement in technology. It enables access to education through a wide variety of electronic ways.

E-learning is the most effective means of education in some of the places like Kashmir. It has gained a lot of prominence in Kashmir where unexpected disturbances to the normal functioning of various organizations including educational institutions are very regular due to many reasons. E-learning benefits the students in Kashmir as they can comfortably learn concepts as well as get individual attention.



There are a lot of online platforms based on e-learning which provides various online courses. Cool Gurus is one such online platform which is an outcome of a brilliantly implemented idea by Romy Johnson. It all started with the plan of expanding his already established business at Kochi to Canada. An e-learning website with the name of Cool Gurus is an online platform that provides online courses on IELTS. Cool Gurus has jointly ventured with British India Company which is based in Kerala. This successful company is valued at more than 55 crores and is expected to increase in the future.



Romy Johnsonshowed great interest in starting and investing in his own business right from a young age. He lost his father at a young age of 17 and had to discontinue studies at the University of Regina, Canada. When he moved back to India to take care of his mother and a younger brother, he took the risk of investing in his company with the help of loan by keeping his house as a mortgage. He even stopped his mother from working in a local supermarket.

All these risks and plans were fruitful which made Romy one of India’s youngest entrepreneurs. At the age of 21, he is the owner of one of the most successful start-up companies. Cool Gurus which started as a brilliant E-learning platform is now expanding its business and is all set to conquer new heights by expanding overseas. It now provides web solutions for the growth of education, business, social responsibility, straight-forward and cost-friendly ways of learning English and improving teaching methods.

Cool Gurus attracts a lot of learners from non-native English speaking countries like India, China, Portugal, Russia and many others who are interested in the IELTS online course and wish to learn English. English is a global language and is preferred by most international companies. A lot of non-native English speaker take up courses on the English language to increase their proficiency in the same. This demand has led to the success of this industry which is worth $63billion at present.

To the learners inculcate English as quickly as possible, Cool Gurus provides web-based learning set according to their learning abilities and English proficiency. In this way, It is swiftly establishing itself in this competitive market.  Immigration authorities all across the world accept IELTS which is a widely recognized examination system which assesses your English language knowledge and proficiency. Cool Gurus provides hand-picked experts and high standard material to all its users to meet their expectations as well as requirements.



Cool Gurus is reaching new heights every day as new users are being added to their base regularly. This successful venture of a strong-willed person called Romy Johnson not only offers educational benefits but also reimbursements to exceptional students and scholarships to underprivileged ones. This company is all set to expand all over the world soon.