CEC chairs RKS meeting, takes stock of drinking water facilities

CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan during visit to hospital.
CEC Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan during visit to hospital.

Excelsior Correspondent

KARGIL, Jan 9: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan chaired the Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) meeting of the Governing Body and Executive Committee of District Hospital Kargil (DHK) here today.
The meeting was attended by the Executive Councillor for Health Mohammad Ali Chandan, Additional Deputy Commissioner Sonam Chosjor, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Ibrahim Khan, Medical Superintendent (MS) Dr Sikander Ali Khan, Block Medical Officer (BMO) Kargil Dr Fatima Nissa, Senior Physician Dr Vilayat Ali, District Social Welfare Officer Kargil Aga Syed Jamal besides other members of the RKS.
During the course of the meeting, the CEC reviewed the functioning of the health institution and also took stock of the infrastructural facilities available there.
Feroz Khan directed the CMO and MS to constitute an Expenditure Monitoring Committee to monitor the expenditure and quality of works executed and purchase of medicines and machinery equipments at the DHK. He also asked the concerned to constitute Hospital Management Committee in order to rationalize the allocation of manpower in different sections of the health institution so as to ensure better and effective service delivery.
Feroz Khan also instructed members to fix priorities for repair, renovation and other construction works at the DHK.
Meanwhile, members approved the works to be taken up as well as the purchase of requisite requirements for the DHK under RKS scheme.
Earlier, the CEC also took stock of restoration works at Trauma Unit of DHK which had suffered serious damages during a recent fire incident and directed the officers concerned to complete the restoration works at the earliest for convenience of the patients.
He also enquired from the patients about their wellbeing and stressed on the doctors and paramedical staff to provide better medicare facilities to the patients.
Meanwhile, Khan also took stock of the availability of drinking water facilities and the condition of roads in Kargil town during a meeting of the concerned officers at Council Secretariat here.
Councillor Town Haji Mohammad Abbass besides the officers of Public Health Engineering (PHE), Municipal Committee (MC) Kargil and other concerned departments attended the meeting.
During the meeting, Councilor Town apprised the CEC about the problems being faced by the general public of Kargil town in terms of drinking water facilities.
The officers of PHE and MC informed the CEC about the measures being taken by them to ensure the availability of water and clearance and maintenance of icy roads in Kargil town.
CEC while taking note of all issues instructed the PHE Division to engage private tankers to assuage the problems of drinking water faced by the general public. He also instructed the MC to engage additional laborers to keep the roads clear and ice free.