Outreach programme of BJP to J&K nothing but hoax: Tarigami

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 22: Former MLA and senior CPI (M) leader, MY Tarigami has alleged that the statement of Union Minister, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi in Srinagar the other day that his government’s “outreach programme is aimed at resolving all the issues” confronting people in Jammu and Kashmir, is nothing but a hoax.
“The move to parachute 36 ministers to Jammu and Kashmir is a propaganda in panic mode as the BJP has failed on every count throughout the country. What is the need for the BJP ministers to visit J&K when the government claims everything is normal? Reality is that they want to sell Kashmir’s “normalcy” and “all is well” story for those in mainland India, who are ignorant about Kashmir’s ground realities,” Tarigami said in press statement here.
“Where was the BJP Government and its ministers when horticulture in Kashmir and agriculture in Jammu suffered massive losses due to heavy snowfall in Valley in November and rainfall in Jammu? Why did BJP Government forget about development that time when farmers of J&K were crying? Almost three months have passed since, but even proper assessment of losses has not been done so far,” Ex-MLA remarked.
People are eking out a tough existence in Kashmir. Daily wagers are not able to find work to feed their families. Thousands of businesses can’t pay their staff or keep them on their rolls. Shikara-walas of Dal Lake, pony-walas of Gulmarg, handicraft sellers and hoteliers, their staff and their suppliers are facing worst crisis since last August.
More than the losses to the economy, job loss due to clampdown on internet services and restrictions is more worrying. According to a recent report of Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), present disruption has resulted in loss of jobs of lakhs of people while  Kashmir economy suffered losses worth Rs 17,878 crore.
Did the BJP Govt assess what has befallen on people of J&K after abrogation of Article 370? How the economy of J&K got shattered due to its misadventure. The abrogation of Article 370 was an assault on the Constitution of India.
Political activities of all other parties other than BJP have come to a standstill in J&K for the last six months. Almost all the political leaders are either under detention or their activities have been restricted. In such a situation parachuting Union Ministers to J&K and trying to project “all is well” theory is nothing but a sham, Tarigami stated.