Value oriented education

Ram Rattan Sharma
The main function of education is the development of an all round and  well balanced personality of the students. But now- adays more emphasis  is unduly laid on knowledge based and information oriented education,  Which takes care of only the intellectual development of the child,  consequently the other aspects of their personality like physical, social and spiritual are not properly developed by providing for the growth of  attitudes, habits, values, skills and interests among the students. Country  is under going radical social changes. The students who are future citizens  have to be trained to respond to and adjust with these social changes  by equipping them with desirable skills and values. India  has been committed to the guiding principles of socialism, secularism,  democracy and national integration. These principles should be  emphasized in the educational system and suitable values are to be  inculcated in the students for promoting equality social justice, national  cohesion and democratic citizenship.With these aims in view, radical  reforms in the present education system are to be introduced and  attempts should be made for developing well integrated personalities of, our students. There is need of inculcating values in society as -it is more  important than teaching of – subjects or more knowledge. This age of  science and technology has created industrialism and urbanism. Inspite of  achievements in science and technology, man is not happy and contented  The world  has already experienced the horrors of modern wars. Inspite of scientific  achievements, the world is, a place of violence, gloom and unease. Inspite  of the material prosperity, a large section of the humanity is under the  grip of poverty and corruption. These situations have arisen due to crises  of values and character. There is no harmony between the inner and outer  self, there is feeling of emptiness. What is the remedy of all these ills? How  can peace and harmony be promoted? How can mankind live in unity?
How can social justice be ensured in the world? How can mankind carve  out for itself a future peace and prosperity? Inculcation of desirable values in society is felt essential for finding out answer to the above  questions.
The Kothari Commission has also observed, “the expanding  knowledge and the growing power which it places at the disposal of  modern society must, therefore be combined with the strengthening and  deepening of the sense of social responsibility and a keener appreciation of  moral and  spiritual values”. The Commission has also added that while a  combination of ignorance with goodness may be futile, that of  knowledge  with a lack of essential values may be dangerous. The weakening of social  and moral values in the younger generation is creating many serious  social and ethical conflicts. The commission have suggested, it is  important for us to give a proper value orientation to our educational  system. After independence, continued attempts have been made for  inculcation of right values in the students at different stages of education.
All three commissions which were constituted in 1948, 1952, 1964  recommended inculcation of value education in students. We should also  be inspired by the ideology and activities of Mahatma Gandhi and others  in our endeavours for social service and social justice. We should also  draw strength and inspiration from the world revolutions and various.  eastern and western cultures. NCERT recognized the relevance and  importance of the Gandhian values in reforming education in 1970, in the  seminar organized in the context of international education year.
We need education which is based on spiritual, moral  and social values. The most significant need of the hour is to transform the  educational system with a view to cultivate the basic values of humanism,  democracy, socialism and secularism.