Declaring Dal Lake area as eco-sensitive

Not to speak of doing ‘wonders’ in retrieving dying Dal Lake from its present state of affairs of health, even a draft resolution to declare the world famous Dal Lake in Kashmir as eco-sensitive zone could not become a reality thanks to the frugality in the requisite efforts to that end by the Committee of Officers constituted for the purpose.
We are frequently wondering through these lines that hardly do important decisions take place in majority of sensitive cases unless court intervention as the last resort was not made and it is equally astonishing in the instant case that despite the High Court continuously monitoring all aspects related to saving this Lake and preventing it from getting worse, things at the administrative levels are not at all moving. Equally, it is wondered that the people of the area, the lovers of nature and eco- environment are not protesting effectively against half-baked, insufficient and indifferent measures of the UT administration and designated bodies towards saving this beautiful priceless unique asset granted by the benevolent nature. Lack of coordination between different departments, lengthy protracted paper work, red tape etc are adding to the confusion around the issue. A paradigm shift in approach and resolution of associated issues in respect of Dal Lake is urgently needed.