“Violence never resolve issues”

Mahatma Gandhi had said ,” I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary ; but the evil it does is permanent.” Go by the pages of history, one finds that it was ultimately talks, debates and meetings that triumphed and violence never won any battle anywhere. Whatever it ‘earned’ or won was scarred by and soaked in human blood and it left behind horrifying dots and symbols only to be decried by each generation of human race. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, we all know, talks to the countrymen at the fag end of each month which he has christened as “Mann Ki Baat” where he speaks no politics but peoples’ individual and collective achievements, enviable and laudable, in various social, cultural, economic, educational, scientific and technological areas. He shares such achievements of the people especially from our vast rural areas.
Without naming any state, UT, city or village, he in his recent such interaction with the people coinciding with the celebrations of the Republic Day, said that seeking solutions to their problems through violence and weapons was futile and advised such misguided and misled people to return to the mainstream and have faith in their (positive) capabilities to address their issues. If what happened in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly Kashmir valley during the last three decades, there would be conversion of thoughts and congruency in perceptions that nothing–absolutely nothing was achieved by those who indulged in violence, even using weapons. People were uprooted, killed, wounded, shocked and bewildered, not to speak of loss of property, business prospects and career of students whose studies got vastly affected.
What prompted the Prime Minister to stress upon finding non – violent and peaceful means to resolve issues was remorseful feeling about futility of violence. Returning to mainstream was, therefore, the only established way of addressing and resolving issues and sooner this dawned upon those who still thought the other way round, the better was it for them. It was no longer an issue of dispute or of a view of susceptibility that India was on the march of a new awakening where besides social and cultural awakening, intense love for the country to make it a world power, both economic and military was leaving very less scope for anything getting achieved by employing instruments of violence. Settlements, understandings on broader parameters, solutions and the like are getting broader acceptability and legitimacy as has been witnessed in the scenario of the North East by inking more peace pacts by the Government with militant groups.
People are now fed up with the diktats of ultras and anti national elements and are even fighting with those who instigate them to indulge in disruptive and violent protests and observing “Black Days” on National Festivals like the Republic Day. It must be remembered that violence is an admission that one’s ideas and goals cannot prevail on their own merits.