Land Record Modernization

This refers to news report on land records modernization titled as ” LG for use of drones , other techniques ” ( DE 29.1.2020). From last around 21 years the digitization process for land records is going on and not even 30 % of the record has been actually digitized as on date. Hundreds of crore rupees were spend on procurement of computers , telescopes and other highly sophisticated machines from last 24 years. The same got damaged in 2014 floods or were taken away to home or sold in market by officers of Revenue Department. Authorities must probe into this as well.
It is an irony that in-spite of having a law passed 24 years back (JK Land Revenue Amended Act 1996) the Land Holders Passbooks haven’t been issued to farmers or land holders in J&K. Section 16 of JK Land Revenue Amendment Act 1996 discusses this. Daily Excelsior had carried a detailed article on this few weeks back. In addition to digitization of land records Govt must also start distributing land passbooks to people so that they know title, location of their land and can avail credit facilities from banks. This law is still intact in J&K post article 370 abrogation.
Fozia Kouser