China seeks US help to tackle coronavirus

Beijing, Feb 4: With coronavirus fatalities reaching 425 and total number of confirmed cases rising to 20, 438 till Feb 3, China is hoping United States to intervene and provide offered assistance to fight the deadly pathogen as soon as possible.
“China is aware that the US has said many times it is willing to offer assistance to China. We hope the assistance can be delivered as soon as possible,” South China Morning Post quoted Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hua Chunying on Tuesday.
“At present, the government and people of China are making every effort to fight the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new type of coronavirus. We have taken decisive and effective measures to completely curb the spread of the disease, and prevention and control efforts are gradually yielding results,” Hua said as cited by the Foreign Ministry.
Hua said the US should assess the situation of the outbreak in a calm and objective manner. “The US should respect and work with China to contain the outbreak,” she said, asking US to “avoid overreacting”.
On Monday, Hua made a toughly worded statement against the travel ban on Chinese travellers imposed by Washington, accusing the US of not helping China but of creating fear.
“China’s efforts to combat the spread of the disease have been recognised by the WHO and the international community. The United States should be objective, impartial, calm and rational, refrain from overreaction, respect [China] and cooperate with China in prevention and control efforts, as well as work with China and the international community to fight the new type of coronavirus,” Hua said.
Earlier the White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow had said that China has agreed to allow American health experts into the country to help, but China just gave a very brief response. However, the foreign ministry spokesman said, “Beijing has noted that the United States has repeatedly stated its readiness to provide assistance to China, and hopes that the relevant assistance will arrive as soon as possible.”