
Thursday  Feb 06-2020

Aries : Today, you will appreciate beautiful things and exotic artefacts. You may even seriously think of pursuing a business related to such commodities. However, you may not be able to make up your mind, says Ganesha. However, you will decide to keep an open mind about it.

Taurus : You may find it hard to stop the impending outflow of cash while shopping today, says Ganesha. You aren’t the one to be dominated and God help anyone who tries to dictate terms to you today. You may end up spending a small fortune, more than lavish to be precise, on the opposite sex today.

Gemini : You are extremely competitive. And it doesn’t matter how far behind the competition is. So today, you will continue your usual quest for getting better. You won’t have it any other way as you despise mediocrity. You will find yourself in the company of like-minded people who will inspire you to study new subjects.

Cancer : Today is a good day for you. However, don’t expect a windfall. It is just one of those days when you will be in a good mood, irrespective of your problems, if any. You will treat your subordinates well, and they will show their appreciation. But if you think the atmosphere at your workplace is good, wait till you reach home. Your family will be exceptionally sweet to you, and your life partner will be all over you. And the financial condition won’t be too bad either. What more can one ask for in life?

Leo : Che Guevara may not hold the beacon any more, and the best of the Beatles are long gone. But your desire to revolutionise the world is as strong as ever, sees Ganesha. The best ideas are the ones that come suddenly and subconsciously. So, always carry a pen and paper with you, you may need them to note down ideas that you generate over the course of the day. Remember, ideas have a tendency to wane with the same speed with which they wax. Never let one pass by, it may just be the answer you have been searching for.

Virgo : Professionalism will be overshadowed by personal preoccupations. Drill your way out of problems today by meeting them head-on. Don’t get stuck up on the emotional front, especially in the evening, cautions Ganesha.

Libra : Being in charge was never easy, but it’s not for nothing that leaders are made of sterner stuff. As a person in charge, you are expected to give directions in a manner that gets the best efforts out of your juniors. Move away from traditional dictatorial style, and build a consensus that enables you to pull off the spectacular, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Work pressure will keep on mounting today, predicts Ganesha. But you shall handle it with great style, all thanks to your patience. But keep a watch on the radar and learn how to spot stress early and then act on it as quickly as you can.

Sagittarius : Your ship may be rocked by stormy controversies today. Ganesha advises you to steer clear of people looking to give you a piece of their mind. The storm looks to ease away if you lend a patient ear to all such elements, and try and accommodate their views.

Capricorn : The work load may take away all your vigour, leaving you lethargic and dull, but you will come out of the sluggish phase before it can do any harm to your reputation, says Ganesha. Being observant and attentive while in meetings will help you in the long run, and in more ways than you can imagine. As you may have already guessed, it won’t be a very productive day, it but won’t be a very bad one either.

Aquarius : You find solace in travel today. But if you plan to include others, beware, as you may end up doing all their dirty work too. But, you will find fulfillment even in that, which, says Ganesha, is your strong point. You know how to turn a weakness into strength.

Pisces : Today just might be the day when you invent a better mousetrap. However, your ideas have a propensity to wane and wax at the same speed, says Ganesha. Hence, keep a notebook handy to jot down all your earth-shattering revolutionary ideas.