Prosecution sanction

Are people, who better can be called as accused, against whom there are cogent and material evidences of having indulged in corrupt practices for personal gains , on selective pattern granted permission to be prosecuted instead of anyone, without any favour or discrimination, having broken legal, moral and ethical considerations , accorded such sanction to be prosecuted by the premier investigation agency of India – the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)? If it is not so, how come CBI is made to “wait” for over mandatory ‘within four months’ period to get sanction to prosecute those who otherwise should have themselves volunteered to be prosecuted to face a constitutional procedure where truth only prevails- – in our judicial system. Their taciturnity in and the concerned authorities both “arranging” such deferment of empowering the CBI to go ahead with prosecution implicitly proves the guilt. This is in respect of three sitting Members of Parliament , Prof. Saugata Roy of Trinamool Congress who was the Union Minister of State in Manmohan Singh Government, Dr. Kakoli GhoshDastigar of Trinamool Congress , Prasun Banerjee – also from Trinamool Congress and Suvenu Adhikarifrom Trinamool Congress and former Union Minister of State for Rural Development in Manmohan Singh Government and a Minister in West Bengal Government. Why is CBI not getting permission to prosecute these politicians against whom there are charges of corruption?
The list is long , there are as many as 58 cases involving 130 corrupt legislators and serving and retired Government officials but their respective organisations are not according customary approval for their prosecution. It sounds strange and is tantamount to mocking the system of frustrating and making difficult any sort of indulgence in corruption and corrupt practices. It is intriguing that the four months period within which the CBI should get the necessary approval is conveniently violated resulting in providing undue breathers to the alleged corrupt people. Should it happen even in respect of financial institutions like Banks where trust of the depositors and investors reigns supreme and where such cases numbering four should continue to remain “un-reconciled” in Banking parlance say with Punjab National Bank and Bank of Baroda, three cases with the Defence Ministry and two each with Railway Ministry, Bihar and Jammu and Kashmir Governments.
Why should Defence Ministry not get itself off the defaulters’ list by according sanction to its three accused officials followed suit by the Railways Ministry especially when the Prime Minister is so much concerned about and virtually has declared a war against the scourge of corruption. Again, why is Union Ministry of Human Resources and Development withholding the sanctioning of prosecuting process of Naseem Ahmed former Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University against whom the CBI has approached the Union Ministry way back in October 2018 ? What is that prevents action even in the Union Ministries? How can therefore, like adopting such an attitude , corruption be contained if not eradicated altogether? By wilfully prolonging the period formality of as long as four months , and still not taking any action towards prosecuting process , are not corruption and corrupt practices getting encouraged?
How could Delhi Government remain aloof in ‘let the dust settle’ syndrome by preferring not to take any decision as a case each against a Registrar and an Advocate continues to remain in the pendulum situation between wait and watch or preferring to remain reticent and non decisive in granting permission to prosecute. We are reliably in know of many more several cases where the CBI is waiting and waiting relentlessly for the nod from the concerned to move ahead against several accused public servants. This scenario is unhealthy and depicts two faces – one of mere rhetoric and the other of no action at all. Who is deceiving whom?