Modi’s scathing attack on 4 J&K ex-CMs, says their statements were unacceptable

A TV grab shows Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaking in Lok Sabha on Thursday. (UNI)
A TV grab shows Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaking in Lok Sabha on Thursday. (UNI)

Ladakh to be made ‘Carbon Neutral’, PM to visit UT
Kashmir’s identity was buried when KPs migrated
Aug 5 was black day for terrorists, separatists
No one will be allowed to create disruptions in Valley

Sanjeev Pargal

JAMMU, Feb 6: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched scathing attack on four former Chief Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir including National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah, his son Omar Abdullah, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad saying their statements were “unacceptable” and declared that August 5, 2019 (the day Central Government had scrapped special Constitutional provisions of Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcated the State into two Union Territories of J&K and Ladakh) was not black day for country but for terrorists and separatists.
In a significant announcement for the Union Territory of Ladakh, Modi said that the Government would make Ladakh a ‘Carbon Neutral UT’ like the neighbouring country Bhutan and he will also visit there. Click here to watch video
Declaring that Jammu and Kashmir Police and security forces have launched decisive action against terrorism, Modi said August 5 wasn’t black day for the country (as stated by MDMK leader from Tamil Nadu Vaiko) but it was the black day for terrorists and separatists.
Replying to debate on Motion of Thanks to President’s Address in both Houses of Parliament today, the Prime Mini-ster quoted the statements made by three former Chief Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir including Dr Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti saying all those believing in the Constitution of India can’t accept such statements.
He was responding to concerns expressed by some of the Opposition members over continued detention of three former Chief Ministers of Jammu and Kashmir especially Farooq Abdullah, who is a member of Lok Sabha, since August 5.
Modi quoted Mehbooba Mufti as saying “India has betrayed the people of Kashmir. The country with which we decided to live has deceived us. It seems our decision in 1947 (during partition) to live with India was wrong”
“Can you accept such statements? Do you endorse them?” Modi asked the Opposition members.
Then he quoted Omar Abdullah as saying “Article 370 abrogation will bring such an earthquake that Kashmir will be separate from India”. Thirdly, he quoted Farooq Abdullah’s statement “Scrapping Article 370 will strengthen the demand of ‘Azaadi’ in Kashmir. If the Article was abolished, there will be no one to unfurl Indian tricolor in the Valley”.
The Prime Minister asked: “Can anyone committed to the Indian Constitution endorse such statements? In fact, those who are talking about respect for the Constitution never even implemented it in Jammu and Kashmir for so many decades”.
Asserting that these are those people who don’t trust Kashmiris, Modi said: “We are those who trust the Kashmiri people and have removed Article 370 which has resulted into fast pace development of Jammu and Kashmir. These (the Opposition) people are questioning the abrogation of Article 370 because they don’t believe in the people of Kashmir”.
He declared that no one can be allowed to create disruptions whether it is Kashmir or any other part of the country. “Today, we are speeding up development in Jammu and Kashmir. We can’t allow these people to disrupt peace in any region”.
Describing Kashmir as crown jewel of India, Modi said identity of Kashmir is Sufi tradition and harmony but some forces made Kashmir’s identity only about bombs and guns, land grabbing and separatism.
“Kashmir’s identity is known with Lal Ded, Nund Reshi, Syed Bulbul Shah and Mir Syed Hamdani,” he asserted.
Modi said Kashmir’s identity was buried on January 19, 1990 (when Kashmiri Pandits started leaving the Valley in the wake of militancy). It may be mentioned here that Kashmiri Pandits observe January 19 every year as ‘Holocaust Day’.
Modi also referred to Congress leader and MP from Kerala Shashi Tharoor saying he is son-in-law of Jammu and Kashmir and should have worried about daughters of the erstwhile State.
Shashi Tharoor had married Kashmiri Pandit woman Sunanda Pushkar, who had died under mysterious circumstances in New Delhi on January 17, 2014.
On the Union Territory of Ladakh, the Prime Minister said he has very clear picture for its development.
“We want to develop Ladakh as ‘Carbon Neutral UT’ like our neighbouring country Bhutan,” he said adding that Ladakh will benefit a lot from this step of the Central Government.
He also announced that he will visit the Union Territory of Ladakh.
The Prime Minister took on Congress veteran and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad who had charged the Centre with destroying Jammu and Kashmir by removing special Constitutional provisions of the erstwhile State and “downgrading” it to the Union Territory.
Countering arguments and figures given by Azad in Rajya Sabha during his speech on Motion of Thanks to the President’s Address, Modi listed number of firsts in Jammu and Kashmir during 18 months of Governor and President’s Rule followed by August 5 decisions.
“For the first time, poor, common man and Paharis got reservation in J&K. For the first time women marrying outside won’t lose their property in J&K. For the first time, BDC and Panchayat elections were conducted peacefully, the Anti-Corruption Bureau was set up, startup trade, RERA Rules, Export and Logistics Policies were implemented. For the first time, funding of separatists from across border was checked and decisive action is being taken against terrorists and separatists by police and security forces and employees including police personnel were extended various benefits,” he said.
He added that 2.5 lakh Shauchalayas, 3.3 lakh houses for poor were constructed, 3.5 lakh Ayushman Bharat cards were issued, 1.5 lakh people were provided old age and specially-abled persons pension and 24,000 houses were constructed under PM’s Awas Yojana in J&K.
Modi also referred to Central Government’s public outreach programme by 34 Union Ministers from January 18-24 saying our Ministers are touring Jammu and Kashmir continuously and trying to address issues of the people.
“Jammu and Kashmir has a bright future. We are committed to development and fulfill aspiration of the people there,” he said.
Taking a dig at the Opposition, Modi said: “If we too had worked according to the old ways, Article 370 would never have been a history”. He added that abrogation of Article 370 has led to complete integration of Jammu and Kashmir with rest of the country.
Modi said one member had claimed that the decision to abrogate the special status for Jammu and Kashmir in August last year was taken without discussion.
“This observation isn’t correct. The entire nation has seen the detailed discussion on the subjects. MPs had voted in favour of the discussion,” he said, adding he wants to remind the Leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha (Ghulam Nabi Azad) about the manner in which proceedings regarding the creation of Telangana took place when the House was locked and televised addressed was stopped.
PTI adds:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi today warned that street protests and arson against decisions of Parliament and State Assemblies and people’s refusal to accept laws will lead to anarchy, as he accused the Congress and other opposition parties of inciting protests against the CAA and the NPR.
Stoutly defending the Citizenship (Amendment) Act(CAA) and the updation of the National Population Register(NPR), Modi told Parliament there is an attempt to cover undemocratic activity under the garb of protests and that no one is going to get political benefit.
The Prime Minister accused the Opposition of using all its might to stoke “imaginary” fears about the CAA and the NPR which is worrisome and dangerous for the country.
“Don’t try to mislead people”, Modi asserted, as he likened the Opposition’s stand on the CAA to that of Pakistan, saying Islamabad spoke the same language for decades to mislead and incite Indian Muslims.
Modi tore into the Opposition in marathon combative speeches in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, and said those rejected by people in elections are fuelling protests against the CAA and the NPR for their “vote bank politics”. The fresh attack against the Opposition came two days ahead of the Assembly polls in Delhi which has witnessed protests in Shaheen Bagh, Jamia Millia and other areas.
Maintaining that the CAA does not affect any Indian citizen and poses no harm to minorities and that opposing NPR for political reasons will deprive the poor of benefits of welfare schemes, the Prime Minister said instead of scaring people right information needs to be provided and that there should be proper discussions. Questions asked in the NPR are purely governance related, he stressed.
The Prime Minister said Census and the NPR are “usual administrative” processes which have been carried out previously as well but have now suddenly become contentious.
The Prime Minister delivered a stinging rebuttal to the Opposition over most issues its members raised to criticise his Government and took on the charge that he pursued communal politics and wanted Hindu Rashtra. He cited comments of Jawaharlal Nehru to back the law and said the Congress stalwart wanted citizenship for minorities from Pakistan.
Modi said Nehru had wanted to defend minorities in then West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).
“Was he communal, did he want to create a Hindu Rashtra…I want to ask the Congress,” the Prime Minister said.
Amid thumping of benches by ruling BJP members and their allies, the Prime Minister invoked the Constitution to warn against street protests to oppose decisions taken by Parliament and state assemblies.
The Congress was expected to be a responsible Opposition, but it had taken a wrong turn, he said.
Noting that the CAA was passed by Parliament and duly notified, he told opposition parties that the road taken by them raises worries, a reference to anti-CAA protests and support to them by many anti-BJP parties.
“What will happen if people refuse to accept a decision taken by the Rajasthan assembly, stage dharnas and resort to arson?’ Modi asked and gave a similar example of Madhya Pradesh. The Congress is in power in the two States.
“What will then happen? Can the country run this way? This is road to anarchy… Such a way can put you (Opposition) in trouble as well. I am giving this warning as we all should be concerned about the country.”
“It is due to your work that people have sent you there,” he said, referring to the opposition benches. “Everybody has a right to put across their point of views but no good will come out of spreading lies and rumours. Respect the Constitution,” he added.
People associated with the Congress and the Left have been inciting people, he said.
Dwelling at length on the NPR in the Rajya Sabha, Modi said it was being updated to allow the rightful beneficiaries get the benefit of Government welfare schemes. The NPR was first done in 2010 and later updated in 2015, he added.
He said census and the NPR are “usual administrative” processes which have been carried out previously as well but have now suddenly become contentious.
Questions asked in the NPR are purely governance related, he said, citing the example of asking citizens of the language spoken by them and their parents are deeply linked to the schools that need to be set up in that particular area.
“They are opposing (NPR) for narrow and frivolous political narrative. This is anti-poor,” he said, adding his government had made productive use of the data collected by previous NPR to give benefits of the schemes to the poor. He asked opposition parties to not politicise the issue for narrow political gains.
We have record of your NPR, no citizen was persecuted based on that record of NPR,” he said, citing the statement of the home minister of the Congress-led UPA government appealing to citizens to enrol in the exercise.
Hitting back at the Congress over its charge that his government violated the Constitution, Modi said it should be the party’s mantra to speak 100 times a day about “saving Constitution” so that it remembers its sanctity.
Modi said India can no longer wait for problems to remain unsolved, and, rightfully so. “That is why, our aim is speed and scale, determination and decisiveness, sensitivity and solutions”.
“The people of India have not only changed the Sarkar (government). They want the ‘Sarokar’ (conduct) to be changed as well. If we had worked according to the old ways and thought processes: Article 370 would never have been history. Muslim women would have kept suffering due to triple talaq,” he said.
The Prime Minister said if his Government worked as per the old ways, the Ram Janmabhoomi issue would have remained unsolved, Kartarpur Sahib corridor would not be a reality and there would be no India-Bangladesh land agreement.