IHM students protest against internet curbs

Students of IHM protesting in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Students of IHM protesting in Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Feb 16: Scores of students of Institute of Hotel Management (IHM), Rajbagh today protested against the continuous restrictions on the internet services, while terming the move as ‘injustice’ with the people of Kashmir.
The protest at the press enclave was joined by the students from outside the Union Territory, who are studying at IHM for the last several months.
Muhammad Riyan Saif, a student from Delhi who is studying at IHM, Rajbagh said that whenever he comes to Kashmir he feels like that he is a “second class” citizen with all the curbs and restrictions on the communication that are in place.
“The administration has throttled the expression of speech; restrictions were on internet and now that the 2G service has been restored, there are continuous curbs on the use of social media,” he said, adding that the local students are afraid of protesting against the curbs.
The students said that the Government is saying that everything is normal in Kashmir, “if that is the case, why cannot the Government restore the forms of communication,” they asked.
Vivek Dahiya, another student from New Delhi studying at IHM said that the 2G internet service is just for the name “If we want to study, we cannot do that with help us such limited access to the internet Studies are getting affected,” he said.
The students said that the Government is just showing the world that they have restored the internet, “but in actuality, they have done nothing,” they said.
The students demanded that the internet services should be restored fully with no restrictions. “Otherwise, there is no fun of doing so and showing the world that the things are normal in Kashmir; the curbs on the internet must be lifted immediately,” they said.