Court orders attachment of moveable property of X-En

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 17: In connection with execution of two awards passed under Payment of Wages Act for realisation of an amount of Rs 2,57,600 and Rs 1,29,100, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Reasi Amarjeet Singh Langeh has issued directions for attachment of moveable property of Executive Engineer, Mahore Irrigation Division to the tune of amount awarded in favour of 22 claimants/ petitioners in the two executions.
After Assistant Labour Commissioner, Reasi passed two awards in favour of the petitioners, the executions were filed by the Authority under the Payment of Wages Act before the court seeking realisation of award money from Executive Engineer, Mahore Irrigation Division – Dharmari on 16.01.2020.
On 23.01.2020, after attachment warrant was directed to be issued against Executive Engineer authorising therein District Collector (Deputy Commissioner), Reasi to attach moveable property of respondent to the tune of award money, Deputy Commissioner Reasi vide separate communication asked respondent to deposit award money failing which attachment warrant will be executed.
“An award passed under the statutes like Payment of Wages Act be rendered meaningless if it remains either un-executed or all stops to execute it are not cleared”, noted the court, adding “let fresh attachment warrant be directed to be issued against respondent authorising Deputy Commissioner, Reasi to attach moveable property of respondent to the tune of award amount and report compliance by or before next date of hearing”.
CJM Reasi also issued notice to Executive Engineer, Mahore Irrigation Division requiring him to show cause as to why an order for his detention in civil prison be not passed on account of his failure to execute award in question right in conformity with law on the subject.