Regional parties habitual of boycotting elections: BJP

BJP general secretary (Org), Ashok Kaul at a party meeting at Srinagar on Monday.
BJP general secretary (Org), Ashok Kaul at a party meeting at Srinagar on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Feb 17: Bhartiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Kashmir unit today held a meeting of those who are set to participate in up-coming panchayat elections. The event was coupled with the entry of new faces into the partyfold.
The meeting was presided over by Ashok Kaul—BJP J&K general secretary (Org) who said that the party will participate in the elections with enthusiasm and will make sure that the governance reaches to the grass- root level.

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He also said the regional parties are habitual of boycotting the election for no reasons and that they do not want that the democratic institutions be strengthened at grass root level in Kashmir.
Kaul said that regional parties should do away with the boycott politics and should participate in the elections to allow the governance to reach to the lowest possible level.
“Like we participated in the earlier elections, we are set to participate in the upcoming elections with enthusiasm; certain parties had then boycotted; we will be meeting with those who are set to participate the elections,” he said.
While commenting on boycotting the elections by some parties, he said that these parties boycotted the earlier elections. “At that time nobody was under detention, why did they boycott the elections so it is their habit,. Wherever they find that they will be benefitted, they participate and wherever they find that they are not going to be benefitted they maintain a distance’’, he added.
He said that whenever it comes to strengthening the grass root they resort to boycott. “We want to tell them that they should refrain from boycott politics and participate in the elections,’’ he added
Commenting over the normalcy in Kashmir, he said that the normalcy has returned to Kashmir and it should go along with the developmental work. “Normalcy along with the development always goes well and we should work for that,” he said.