SSP Railways inaugurates workshop on Disaster Management

SSP Railway Katra alongwith Civil Defence personnel during inauguration of workshop on Disaster Management at Katra on Monday.
SSP Railway Katra alongwith Civil Defence personnel during inauguration of workshop on Disaster Management at Katra on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KATRA, Feb 17: SSP Railways Katra, Ranjit Singh Sambyal inaugurated two-day workshop on Disaster Management & Civil Defence at GRP Lines Katra.
Being organized in collaboration with Home Guard/Civil Defence/UTDRF Jammu, the aim of such workshop is to improve preparedness and response at all level; before, during and after disaster and to give all components of the movement that means to work together in a coordinated manner.
The workshop has been attended by the officers/Jawans of GRP Katra. The team of officers/officials of UTDRF deliberated on the subject followed by practical demonstration, which included the awareness on disasters, types of disaster (manmade/natural), post disaster precaution, importance of first aid/ use of first aid and benefit to carry first aid kit during travel.
The practical session was about Do’s and Don’ts during and after the Disasters control demonstration in various rescue tools, their use in different types of Disasters. The lecture-cum-demonstration given by the team of SDRF was brainstorming and the officers/Jawans of GRP Katra were benefited through this workshop which will prove beneficial for them whenever to meet any eventuality of Disaster, be it manmade or natural.
SSP Sambyal lauded the team of SDRF for the brainstorming session during the said workshop. SDPO Railways Katra Bodh Raj and SDPO Railways Udhampur Surinder Singh Baloria, all SHOs/I/C PPs of GRP Katra were also present during the said workshop.