
Saturday Feb 22-2020

Aries : Sometimes, pressure is a good thing, as it brings out the best in you. You will outshine your colleagues in whatever you choose to do. But your expectations may far exceed the outcome. Ganesha asks that you have patience. Results take time.

Taurus : It will be an optimistic day with its share of day dreaming, says Ganesha. You will be submissive at work, giving in or blindly following the advice of your peers. Things at work may be tense and cause some trouble today afternoon, but they will be much more to your liking by nightfall as you return to the comfort of your beloved and your home.

Gemini : You had better start sharing your feelings with your family today, says Ganesha. Also, it’s time to tell your family about your current financial status. It will help you feel better. Your energy levels will soar and you will approach everything with renewed vigour. Your spouse will bring good luck to you. How about a dinner extraordinaire with your loved ones?

Cancer : You may discuss certain serious issues with your beloved today, predicts Ganesha. Your time till afternoon will be spent in discussions and deliberations about the issue. However, this issue may not be enough in letting you off the hook on the work front. Think twice before you act.

Leo : Some promises are like whispers in the wind — never meant to be realised. Today holds something similar, in that you shall be so close and yet so far from what you desire most. Ganesha advises you to be a generous winner and a graceful loser. Remember, every day is not Sunday; also, you cannot win each time. Lower your expectations in order to avoid disappointments. Wait for the winds to change — it won’t take long.

Virgo : Today, your ingenuity will breed ideas like rabbits. You have the healer’s hands, and so shall you make right many a wrong, predicts Ganesha. You shall be most understanding, and reading people’s mind will do wonders for you and your beloved.

Libra : Put up that ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door today. That’s because Ganesha feels the tingle in your bones to want to stick to your preferred subject matter. This will help you achieve good progress in your research. Also, expect to be hit by a wave of nostalgia, as loving memories from the past sweeten your heart. Keep your eyes open, for, you are likely to find someone special with whom you will share your innermost feelings, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Better get down to serious business if you want to reap the benefits of your past actions. You are liable to treat subordinates as equals when deciding the best course of actions to achieve your goals. A golden favourable day for you, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Dark and gloomy shall be your temperament for most part of the day today. But the afternoon may just see the skies clearing. The apparent mood change, says Ganesha; will mainly be because of good news from abroad and business profits from your partner.

Capricorn : Drag yourself out of the house, do some shopping, or better still, appoint an interior designer. You are very likely to move into a new house very soon, foresees Ganesha. This, of course, may also eat into your savings and force you to be thrifty by the end of the day, but you won’t regret this once-in-a-while extravagant outing. It’s all for a reason, after all.

Aquarius : It’s a busy day at work, and you’re probably involved in some pending project work. It’s advisable that you don’t get complacent. Keep an eye on your opponents to have an edge over them, suggests Ganesha. Colleagues will be supportive, and so will family.

Pisces : Being a graceful loser is just about as important as being a generous winner, for success does not come by every day. Lowering your expectations will help steel you against disappointments today. There are indications you will embark on a pleasure trip with your soul mate, says Ganesha.