Review education policy: Prof Gupta

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 21: Stressing on reviewing of the education policy in J&K UT to make it result oriented with national outlook, the former Union Minister, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta alleged that having communal mindset the rulers of the erstwhile State over the decades had framed their own ways of imparting basic education unlike other parts of the country in adopting the three language, formula viz, Hindi, English and the State language.
In a statement, Prof. Gupta said that taking advantage of the separate status under Article 370, the ruling men with a design took up the basic education in Urdu in Muslim majority areas and Devnagri script in Hindu areas. Thus they created regional divide on communal lines. No arrangement was made for teaching Hindi in Muslim majority areas although it was the national language, he added.
Similarly no teaching arrangement was made for Urdu in Hindu areas ignoring the fact that it was State language for all the basic official work, thus, the doors for Government jobs in the State were closed for a community and it was made difficult for Muslims to work in offices at national level.
Prof Gupta recalled that visionary Pandit Prem Nath Dogra who raised voice against this obnoxious approach, was dubbed as communal and reactionary.
As the basic education played a vital role, Prof. Gupta said that it always remained in the focus of secessionists and these secessionists who always played their nefarious role, so much so the ultras made the Government schools and other such institutions their target. About eight hundred schools and other such buildings were burnt and damaged in nineties alone after the outbreak of cross border terror and then in 2016 in wake of the elimination of local commander of the terrorist in South Kashmir.
Prof. Gupta also sought a deep look into the role of Madrassas in radicalizing Kashmir and their reemergence after the ban on Jamat-e-Islami. These Madrassas sprouted during the past over a decade, now under the scheme known as imparting “Quality Education”.  All these, he said, should also be looked into that who are the Moulanas especially the Abus appointed in these Madrassas.
Prof. Gupta also said that the roots of the malady lie in the decades old love and hate relations between Congress and National Conference (NC).