UN to shorten upcoming annual women’s rights meeting

United Nation, Mar 3: The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on Monday decided to hold “a short, one-day event” of the upcoming annual inter-governmental meeting, which was originally a two-week session, due to COVID-19 concerns.
According to a note sent by the chair of the CSW on the preparations for its 64th session, the commission debated alternative formats and dates and explored several possibilities for the March 9-20 session, following UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ recommendation to drastically scale back the upcoming meeting.
“The commission decided to hold a short, one-day event on Monday, March 9 where delegations will adopt the draft political declaration and any other draft resolutions that will become available,” said the note, adding that no general debate will take place on March 9 and all side events will be cancelled.
The meeting will then be suspended, and resumed at a later date to be determined, so the 64th session can meet in its full schedule and capacity, it said.
Established by an Economic and Social Council resolution in June 1946, the CSW is dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.