Restore 4G network

In the past few months with the internet shutdown in Jammu, it seemed as if a mist of boredom, stillness and unproductivity had engulfed the people of Jammu. The mist so strong that it had cut off the people from the entire world and thrown in some deep dark cellar of old times. With the dawn of the new year, the people of J&K were optimistic of internet restoration and finally some days back the internet was restored in the Jammu region. With this, there was a hope that the mist that had engulfed J&K would eventually give in to the sunshine of enthusiasm, and the people were hopeful of better internet connectivity, but it seems that this T-20 is no better than a test match where a mere 8-10MB file takes a lifetime to download. Restoring internet services with weak connectivity is making a limp horse run in a race. It is said that “Patience is not simply the ability to wait- it’s how we behave while we’re waiting”. And the people of Jammu have withstood and shown a tremendous amount of patience and understanding and behaved decently for the past couple of months in sheer absence of internet, but that doesn’t give the Government the right to keep on testing the patience of the people of Jammu even when they have succeeded or else the clock of patience will eventually stop. The Government needs to understand that this is the era of speed and internet.
From online shopping to online gas booking, social media to official work, online surfing to entrance exams, everything depends on the internet. People who can work from home but are stationed outside Jammu, far from home cannot visit home even during vacations because there is no internet to do work from home. The patients whose treatment is being done outside J&K cannot receive and download their medical reports. Even if there is the availability of the internet, there is no speed. One cannot open Gmail and download files without observing the buffering sign for at least 6-7 minutes. How can one not lose his calm in such a scenario? The authorities should immediately take necessary actions to restore the 4G services in Jammu before the clock of patience stops and a wall of impatience builds.
Satyarth Pandita