A Budget of hopes to achieve goals

At the outset, all those engaged in compilation, assimilating and formulating the basic structure of providing necessary cogent inputs to build up the Budget of over Rs.1 lakh crore for the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, both at the UT and at Central Governmental levels, deserve all appreciations. Perhaps, many had expressed doubts about not only this Budget , being highest in its financial worth, being presented in all its lucidity but even it being presented at all and instead, resorting to vote on account or similar other arrangement in lieu of a complete Budget. This was expected primarily as a possible sequel to reorganisation of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union Territories just seven months back. However, if it is said that the Budget presented in the Parliament for Jammu and Kashmir by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has kindled new hopes and aspirations in the people of this Union Territory, it would not be an exaggeration. A matter to feel satisfied about is the UT growing at 11% Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP), the highest among the UTs.
This Budget is aimed at taking on board, the aspirations of thousands of unemployed youth in respect of providing them employment opportunities both in the Government sector and in self employment, skill development , Self Help Groups, and other entrepreneurial areas and pursuits. Proposing 50000 jobs in the Government sector is not only a political promise but backed by full budgetary provisions of Rs. 2000 crore for upcoming fiscal year. Not only this, the statement of the Finance Minister that “We intend to cover any unemployed youth who wishes to set up his or her own business under various schemes” opens new vistas for those who want to seriously engage themselves in earning honourable livelihood independently commensurate with innovative zeal, hard work and enterprise in Jammu and Kashmir.
In the same fashion, Rs. 27000 crore proposed for lending to priority sector of self employment intends the Government’s resolve to fight unemployment from all possible routes. Again, an estimated amount of Rs. 32 crore are proposed to be spent on providing skill training to 64899 unemployed youth . Another Rs. 103.35 crore are proposed to be spent on Self Help Groups in order to bring 209500 women under its ambit. Likewise, Mission Youth, Skill up-gradation of craftsmen are some major steps proposed by the Government in resolving employment problem in the UT about which the intended beneficiaries need to feel assured as also to those who still continue to be misled by elements inimical to peace and development of Jammu and Kashmir so as to understand the benefits and the importance of joining the mainstream. Giving due attention to unemployment problem with various objectives will be taken positively by the people provided due process in a time bound schedule was started in the right earnest by the UT Government.
Giving a boost to tourism, the composite culture and its promotion, health and associated issues, education, industries and services sectors have received due attention in the Budget as the FM proposed, again for the first time, introduction of three religious circuits in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir to recognise the vast potential of and give boost to religious tourism. The proposed circuits comprise Shiv Khori – Utterbehni- Purmandal -Mata Sukrala Devi in Jammu region and Shankracharya-Mata Kheer Bhawani -Martand (Mattan) and Makhdoom Sahib-Khanqah-e-Moula- Watlab- Babareshi- Pakharpura- Aishmuqam in Kashmir region. This needs to be taken care of by the Department of Tourism and devise suitable plans and policies to give a fillip to the concept of Religious Circuits as this sector is proposed to get Rs.706 crore as Budgeted allocation. Villages, Panchayats, Block Development Councils are to get focussed attention and every Panchayat shall have playgrounds to promote sports. Rural Development has been given due attention, highest so far, by proposing a Budgetary allocation of Rs.5284 crore which is Rs. 1951 crore more than the previous year.
A new flagship programme was started in the UT under “Back to Village” and its two tiers have shown considerable positive results. Accordingly, an amount of Rs.200 crore is allocated for the purpose.
This Budget has taken care of refugees from West Pakistan and those from PoK in matters of rehabilitation, these refugees were, it may be recalled, denied citizenship rights prior to abrogation of Article 370. Rs.679 crore has been earmarked for Kashmiri Pandits’ relief, their return and rehabilitation, housing, transit accommodation, employment etc too. In short, this Budget has attempted to touch almost each sector of the economy and what was required to be focussed on looking to the peculiar situation of the UT. It has vastly improved upon in contents and the structure as compared to earlier budgets and tried to accord priority to basic needs of the people like power (Rs.607 crore for its reform and development), health, education, rural development, industries and tourism. These areas are now proposed to get nearly twice as compared to previous budgets. Now, the onus is on the UT Government of Jammu and Kashmir to take practical steps in implementing the steps proposed to be taken for the people in the Budget to vindicate the stand of the central Government that post reorganisation of the erstwhile State and doing away with the temporary special status, fast and rapid economic development of this part of the country reigned high among the priorities of the Central Government.