Consultant engaged on IWT losses

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 2: State Cabinet, which met under the chairmanship of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah here this evening, accorded sanction to the engagement of M/s Halcrow Consulting India Pvt Ltd as consultant by Jammu and Kashmir State Power Development Corporation to quantify the losses suffered by the State due to Indus Water Treaty (IWT).
Due to Indus Water Treaty, which was signed between India and Pakistan in 1960, the State is only making limited withdrawals from the rivers for domestic use, non-consumptive use, specified agricultural use and restricted generation of hydro-electric power. Due to these limitations, the State has only been able to develop limited storage for hydropower, irrigation, flood control and domestic and other purposes.
The quantification of the losses incurred till date or those which will continue to recur because of Indus Water Treaty is imperative so that credible data based on the scientific studies could be worked out and the issue of compensation for Treaty could be taken to its logical conclusion.
The cabinet also accorded sanction to giving retrospective effect from May 28, 2011 to the enhancement of cash incentive from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per plot per family as compensation for the rehabilitation of families dislocated due to the improvement/widening of the road network in Srinagar City.
Earlier in June 2012, the Cabinet had accepted the recommendation of high level committee to enhance the cash incentive in lieu of plots from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per plot per family to the affected families.
The Cabinet ordered reconstitution of the Cabinet Sub-Committee for examining the recommendations of Working Group-V headed by Saghir Ahmad regarding strengthening of relations between the State and the Centre.
Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs will also be the Member of the reconstituted Cabinet Sub-Committee.