Registration of Amarnath Yatra postponed

It was sufficiently expected, looking to the prevailing threat of corona virus throughout the country that registration for undertaking annual yatra of Shree Amar Nath in Kashmir would be postponed. The dates of such online registration have been postponed from April 2 to April 15 as of now. It may be recalled that the said pilgrimage stretching to 42 days was slated to begin from June 23 this year as usual concluding on Shravan Purnima and Raksha Bandhan falling on August 3.
Shree Amarnath Shrine Board which has duly updated its website with the latest information, shall be advising further developments about the holy yatra and should the situation the country is currently facing with on account of the scare, lockdown and other issues in respect of the virus threat, not improve substantially by April 15, there is every apprehension of it getting further postponed. Otherwise also, for ensuring smooth and hassles free yatra , lot of arrangements en-route and at base camps have to made in advance for which human resources were needed in good number which as of now, due to lockdown and other restrictions, was not possible which again could be having a bearing on the yatra. While all focus on and preference given to check and ‘defeat’ the corona virus should be our cumulative endeavour, let us hope for the best and not draw any pessimistic note about the yatra.