
Monday April 06-2020

Aries : To speak of your persuasive powers, you can even convince people to holiday in Alaska! Naturally, today also, the results will be amazing. But you also realise the need to improve yourself and your home. Today, there should be some action on this front, says Ganesha.

Taurus : You will find yourself viewing your love life with renewed vigour and understanding. A tendency to think pessimistically may make things murky. You love to play mother goose to those in trouble, but won’t be quite as efficient dealing with problems of your own, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will be in the mood to break free of the rut and routine of daily life today. Trying to keep up with numerous deadlines will keep you tense with worry. You will end up neglecting your familial duties in pursuit of work related activities. You need to find a balance between your responsibilities at work and at home, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your life will spring surprises, some good and some not so good, says Ganesha. You will demonstrate your effectiveness and brilliance at work. In the evening, your loved ones will show you their appreciation for being there for them in the time of need.

Leo : Walk the talk, buddy! Well, what it actually means is that today, you will be just too good at communicating ideas and expressions. So if you are at work, then look forward to being assigned some investigative job that might just turn out to be quite demanding, says Ganesha. Just get through the day, because come evening, the real fun begins for you as you enamour the opposite sex with your incredible charm and appeal.

Virgo : A day full of sense and sensibilities in love today. Pessimism will knock more than just once throughout the day. But don’t let it affect your work, warns Ganesha. At work, you will be the most wanted trouble-shooter today.

Libra : Today shall be, let’s say, different! It promises to be a resourceful day for you, says Ganesha. Chances are today you may decide to refresh your memory and knowledge by visiting a museum or a historical place later in the day. But it’s not all learning for you. You don’t want to be a dull Jack, do you? Ganesha expects you to indulge in some fun and frolic towards the evening, and hints that this may go a long way in improving your physical state and even work as an antidote for stressed relationships.

Scorpio : Ganesha foresees that your enthusiasm and renewed zeal would encourage you to take up all the challenges at work front. And just like a smile is infectious, your positive attitude towards word too would be contagious and encourage your peers. However, it’s important to unwind after a stressful day. A hot cup of coffee in one hand and a novel in another, with some instrumental music in background would be a good idea!

Sagittarius : Ganesha predicts a constructive and profitable day for all you business tycoons and entrepreneurs. Loans from financial institutions may be sanctioned sometime later in the day. You will make your sweetheart know just how special and integral he/she is in your life, and that you will always cherish this love.

Capricorn : Your despotic boss will be mighty impressed with your unique talent, and the fact that it contributed to the company earning accolades, says Ganesha. Colleagues will also be supportive of your endeavours, and will push you to go ahead with new assignments. But if you are too fried with your present job despite the newly acquired popularity, Ganesha warns you against taking hasty decisions.

Aquarius : Today is just not your day. Accept that nothing will work perfectly, and get on. Any bickering at your workplace can be sorted out with tact. And patience will help you tide over difficult situations. Ganesha wishes you all the best!

Pisces : Beating deadlines, with whatever is handy, is what you will be focusing on today. No post-lunch siesta for you. The later part of the day, relaxing with your sweetheart, ought to make up for all the running around you had to do earlier, says Ganesha.