Many teachers turned ‘Thekedars’ for SSA, not performing real job

Chairman Legislative Council Amrit Malhotra issuing directions on SSA issue.—Excelsior/Rakesh

Gopal Sharma

Chairman Legislative Council Amrit Malhotra issuing directions on SSA issue.—Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Apr 3: Chairman Legislative Council, Amrit Malhotra today asked the Government to pull out all the teachers engaged for looking after construction works or performing other duties other than their prime task of teaching or even attached with the offices of ZEOs etc as studies of many students are getting affected and many schools are facing acute shortage of staff.
While intervening during a question raised by National Conference Legislator Khalid Najeeb Suhrawardy and the serious concern shown by several other members of the Upper House today, the Chairman while taking cognizance of the matter, directed the concerned Minister to detach all such teachers engaged under SSA for looking after or supervise construction works of buildings and virtually working as contractors (Thekedars). He said the department should look for some other alternate arrangements for this task and disengage all such teachers under SSA, Mid Day Meals schemes or other assignment under RAMSA etc be withdrawn immediately and restored to their original places postings so that schools and the students do not suffer.
While raising the issue, Mr Suhrawardy alleged that in erstwhile Doda district many teachers/ masters/ lecturers from various schools have been pulled out and engaged for other jobs under RAMSA/SSA Mid Day Meals scheme etc. They are not performing their prime duty with the result many schools which are already under staffed, are facing lot of problems. The children are the ultimate sufferers while those sitting at the top whether ZEOs/ DyCEOs/CEOs/ HoDs etc are least bothered about this plight of students. He pleaded the `Chair’ to intervene in this regard and do not make teachers as commission agents or Tekedars because their prime task is to teach students.
This issue also drew the attention of other members of the House. NC members Javed Ahmed Rana, Sheikh Ghulam Rasool, Sayed Rafiq Shah from NPP, Ravinder Sharma from Congress also expressed concern over the issue and said that in view of shortage of teachers in schools some alternate arrangements are needed to be done and teachers engaged on such tasks be withdrawn.
Replying to the question on behalf of Minister for School Education Tara Chand, Minister of State for Technical Education, Law, PDD and CAPD Vikar Rasool said that this staff is engaged on temporary basis and is withdrawn when there is no need. He however assured the members to look into the matter and take note of it to improve the strength of staff in the schools.
He further said that it is mandatory for those appointees under RBA/ALC category to serve in the areas they have taken benefit. Mr Vikar in response to another question said that the proposal of upgradation of High School Trown and Jodhpur is under examination and will be considered subject to fulfillment of norms, feasibility as provided by MHRD Govt of India under RAMSA Scheme. He also gave the details of the criteria laid down for the up gradation of High and Higher Secondary Schools.