Advisor Baseer exhorts PRIs, departments to work collectively for combating COVID-19

Advisor Baseer Khan chairing a meeting on Tuesday.
Advisor Baseer Khan chairing a meeting on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 7: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan, who is overall in-charge of coronavirus control efforts in Kashmir Division, today convened a meeting to review the measures being initiated by various departments regarding prevention and control of COVID-19.
Secretary Rural Development Department and Panchayat Raj, Sheetal Nanda, Mission Director National Health Mission, Bhupinder Kumar and other officers attended the meeting.
Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division, Director FCS&CA Kashmir and other officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
The meeting held threadbare discussion on various issues regarding status of Covid- 19 patients, Quarantine and Isolation Centers, issue of outside labourers, Helpline numbers for old age, infirm persons, status of supply of Essential Commodities, medicines, containment plan at Micro and Cluster level viz-a-viz Red Zones, Integrated Disease Surveillance plan, up gradation of infrastructure of CD hospital Srinagar, enhancement of lifting capacity of Mir bazar store Anantnag and related issues and concerns.
The Advisor directed the Block Development Council Members, Sarpanchs and Panchs to work in close co-ordination with Health and other departments regarding conduct of door to door survey in their respective areas to find out people with Covid- 19 symptoms.
He asked the Health officials to maintain a constant watch over the suspected cases and ensure immediate reporting so that the COVID-19 affected persons could be shifted to the designated hospitals for timely treatment. He stressed the concerned departments to ensure conduct of sanitation and fumigation drives particularly in the red zone areas on regular basis. He also asked for ensuring deployment of adequate staff in the areas declared as red zones.
The Advisor asked the DCs to classify their respective districts into zones and address the issues of the people accordingly.
Khan asked the concerned officers to make sure that persons who are being home quarantined for 14 days are properly monitored by the panchayat members so that there is no chance of further contamination. He also asked for maintaining record of persons who are coming from outside so that a proper surveillance is kept on them.
Emphasizing the significance of strict adherence to the advisories being issued by the government in containing the Coronavirus spread, the Advisor made a fervent appeal to the public to maintain social distancing and postpone all functions like marriages including religious congregations.
He urged people to cooperate with the administration and be well-informed about all precautions needed to be followed to prevent spread of the pandemic. He also asked them to inform the administration in case they come to know about anyone with foreign travel history in their neighbourhood and family as well for their own safety. Such cases can be reported to the control rooms immediately and identity of the informing person would be kept confidential.
The Deputy Commissioners informed the Advisor that there is no shortage of essential commodities in their respective districts to meet the public needs. They apprised that the lockdown is being strictly imposed in their areas and testing of suspected Coronavirus is being done by the doctors as per the health guidelines.
He also reviewed the facilities being made available at quarantine centers.
The Advisor directed all the Deputy Commissioners to provide doorstep distribution of ration and other essential commodities to the consumers so that old age people and weaker sections do not suffer on this account.