Abusing Medico in Hajan Kashmir

There have been many incidents in some parts of the country where medical teams engaged in current trying circumstances in serving people in respect of fighting the pandemic of COVID-19 , have been assaulted and abused. While that looks quite bizarre and cheap , it also projects the mindset and sheer absence of the sense of gratitude towards the people engaged in the noble profession. That a person of the stature of the Deputy Commissioner allegedly misbehaving with a senior Doctor in HajinBandipora Kashmir is not only unfortunate but unwarranted as well.
Bureaucrats, especially holding positions like Deputy Commissioners, agreed, have to take tough actions and steps in the overall interests of the people of their respective areas but none of them should behave as the ones of Royalty used to. How can any other person except a qualified Doctor decide whom to declare recovered and normal from the corona virus infection and set free of the limits of quarantine and how can the District Authority overrule the professional decision , other things remaining the same or equal? However, it is learnt that resentment among the Doctors has been taken note of , looked into and the matter now “resolved” , but such incidents should not take place in future. No authority has powers or any jurisdiction to abuse anyone but no one can object either to an action against any erring official if found involved in dereliction of one’s duty but no abuses or any assaults , please.