
Saturday April 18-2020

Aries : You will experience a profound connection with the cosmos today. And you will be very grateful to the almighty for showering his grace on you. Your love for your kith and kin deepens today, says Ganesha, and you will spend extravagantly on them.

Taurus : Anxiety will keep your nerves swollen for most part of the day, feels Ganesha. On the work front, you will face success later in the day. You will be a role model for business efficiency and people will try to follow in your footsteps. Your efforts will be validated with generous profits.

Gemini : You will be more inclined towards religious teachings and rituals today. You will probably visit a place of worship and spend some time there and this will bring you mental peace and calm. However, you still need to do justice to your duties, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, you will put your heart and soul into whatever task you take up. But the results may not be too forthcoming. However, that should not be a reason for you to get dejected or anxious. You will get your due sooner or later. Also, spending some time with your loved ones will be quite gratifying emotionally.

Leo : Be it a job or business, you will face severe competition today. You will need to be extra cautious today. You will need to be more serious about whatever it is that you are doing. You will become more influential in your social circle or amongst your colleagues as a results, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Pay due attention to your innate feelings. A small tour may be in the offing. You will get along famously with people today, says Ganesha. Your loved ones will receive your sincere feelings and emotions. Work your magic to improve relationships more.

Libra : All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! You don’t want to be Jack, now, do you? It’s high time you took a break from your busy work schedule. Go on a vacation to recharge your batteries. There are chances that evening could bring with it some hurtful remarks from loves ones. Don’t be too sensitive to everything that’s said, advises Ganesha.

Scorpio : Focus is the buzzword for you; your eyes should be set on the things you aim, advises Ganesha. You may even indulge into some kind of research work. Today, you may bump into an old pal with whom you relive those good old school days and rejuvenate yourself.

Sagittarius : Wisdom in words and hero in deeds – this may well be your avatar today. Expect good news at work, especially related to a thicker pay package or an increase in office floor area. Accountants and franchisees – expect to crunch good numbers today!

Capricorn : Lack of proper planning is probably the reason for you not being able to get your work done in time. You’ll realise this mistake and today, you will spend majority of time drawing a plan on paper, says Ganesha. You may hit a jackpot, but think twice before spending the money on anything unnecessary. You may come across some good career opportunities, grab them before it’s too late.

Aquarius : Some days, you crave to know everything. Today is one such day. You will also prove a worthy opponent. You may upset your adversaries’ plans, much to your own advantage. You have it in you to be a scholar. You will also prove the strength of your character, especially when the going gets tough.

Pisces : Today you will feel generous and calm. You will shower those in the family who are younger than you with this generosity and as a result be the object of their fondness. With a clear perspective you will be able to see things for what they are. The only downside of the day is that your expenses might take a toll on your wallet, says Ganesha.