Javed calls for multi-layered COVID response with PRIs involvement

Excelsior Correspondent

RAJOURI, Apr 17: Chairman, Block Development Council, Koteranka, Javed Choudhary, has urged the district administration Rajouri to work out a short, medium and long term plan at the local level with involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to contain COVID-19 crisis.
Choudhary said that COVID-19 is an evolving crisis with very little acceptable knowledge in the public domain, but the global experience guides us to keep preparing for a long term battle. Describing COVID as a crisis which transcends beyond the health issue to pose challenge on wider front including economy and national security, Choudhary urged the administration to adopt a multilayered approach.
Even in absence of an elected Government and political institutions, the administration is doing remarkable work but complete absence of public input is not an ideal scenario in the long term. In this background, he called upon the administration to associate the Panchayati Raj representatives in a sustainable combat mechanism to address not only the COVID crisis but also its imminent fallouts on economy, society and culture in a holistic manner.
In the short term measures, Choudhary has requested focused approach to augmenting healthcare infrastructure and impetus to agriculture, horticulture and small income generation avocations. He said a good number of health care buildings in Koteranka-Budhal block are lying abandoned in absence of manpower and machinery.
“Since Rajouri has emerged COVID free with successful treatment of three positive cases, this is the most appropriate time to augment healthcare infrastructure and prepare in advance for any future challenge,” he asserted.