Fruit growers, traders struck outside J&K

For striking business deals, fruit growers and traders from Jammu and Kashmir usually have to travel across the country and halt for a day or two at each of those stations in states like Punjab, West Bengal, Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar etc where they have their business connections. Due to lockdown measures and restrictions, some of them are stranded at different stations and strongly aspire to return home. “Remain where you are” is the cardinal principle for successful operation of the lockdown, now in its second phase, which inhibits mobility, is most probably well known to the concerned traders but facing some difficulties, they want to be sent home.
Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers cum Dealers Union has expressed concern over the difficulties faced by such stranded persons and has appealed to the Lieutenant Governor to do “something” for these stranded people. While it can be realised as to the extent of difficulties and hardships the struck up traders must be undergoing but similar and rather more pressing conditions are there for tens of thousands of people and with lesser means, who are struck up at various places in the country. However, the difficulties faced by these traders from the UT could be mitigated by means of some help in one way or the other, reaching them for which the UT administration must look into, as early as possible.