DAK for dignified burial of those who die of COVID-19

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Apr 29: Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) today said that till date there is no evidence that any one has contracted the virus after getting exposed to the dead bodies of COVID-19 patients.
DAK said during these trying times it is their responsibility to maintain the dignity of the dead and their families should be respected not stigmatized.
“Based on current evidence, the COVID-19 virus is transmitted between people through droplets, fomites and close contacts and is not airborne,” DAK said.
Therefore, DAK said, a dead body does not pose any potential threat of spreading infection if standard protocols of infection control measures are followed.
President DAK Dr Suhail Naik said soon after death of coronavirus positive patient, the mouth and nasal orifices of the dead body should be plugged or sealed to prevent leakage of body fluids besides taking all other hospital infection control measures.
He said family members of deceased should be allowed to see body when removed from the isolation ward.
“The dead body should be covered in leak-proof plastic body bag and exterior of the body bag should be decontaminated. The body, secured in a body bag, exterior of which is decontaminated poses no additional risk to the staff transporting the dead body with 1% hypochlorite solution and can be even handed over to the relatives,” he said.
The vehicle, after the transfer of the body to home should be decontaminated with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite.
Dr Naik further said that it is very imperative to understand that all the persons handling the body have to follow standard precautions and should wear surgical mask and hand gloves.
General Secretary DAK Dr Owais H Dar said viewing dead body by unzipping face-end of the body bag may be allowed, for the relatives to see the body for one last time.
“Religious rituals such as reading from religious scripts, sprinkling holy water and any other last rites that does not require touching of the body can be allowed. Bathing, kissing, hugging, etc. of the dead body should not be allowed,” he said.