Cong ruled States to send stranded J&K labourers through spl trains

* PCC asks JK Govt to clear permission cases

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 9: The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) has disclosed that the State Governments of Rajasthan and Chhatisgarh and the Pradesh Congress Committee of Goa have arranged special trains to send the stranded labourers to the respective states including J&K, in a couple of days, as such the UT administration should expedite the process for grant of permission to the stranded labourers, so that they can travel through those trains.
JKPCC chief G A Mir said this in a statement here today, after information from Congress ruled states of Rajasthan and Chhatisgarh besides PCC of Goa.
Mir said the party had sought details of labourers intending to different states and now again writing for necessary permission along with the forwarding the details of large number of applicants, who have approached our party’s control rooms at district and provincial levels.
PCC president said that the Congress ruled states have acted on the advise of Congress president Sonia Gandhi have come forward to provide travel to labourers through special trains. He said the JKPCC has been seeking early clearance of the requests for permissions to intending labourers and they can travel back in those trains, if the JK UT administration coordinates in the matter.
He said that JKPCC shall soon forwards the requests to the Govt of JK to grant permission to the large number of requests received by the Congress party too, by the labourers. Simultaneously, a large number of other stranded people within Jammu and Kashmir, wanting to return to their native districts are not getting any response on their requests for days together. The Govt should look into all such cases expeditiously and without any delay, Mir added.
Congress chief said another category is those stranded outside J&K, other than labourers. They too, have been denied permission to come to J&K. The Government should streamline the entire system and follow their own announcements in this regard, Mir said.