NC may announce some candidates well ahead of polls

* CWC for Indo-Pak talks, CBMs, AFSPA withdrawal

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Apr 7: Even as the ruling National Conference was mulling a proposal to announce some of its candidates for the next year’s Assembly elections in June this year to give them ample opportunity to go to the masses, NC president and Union Minister for New and Renewable Energy Dr Farooq Abdullah said the party was fully prepared for snap poll of Parliament and would go to the people whenever they are announced.
Reliable sources told the Excelsior that the National Conference Central Working Committee (CWC), which concluded its two days session at Sher-i-Kashmir Bhawan this afternoon, was reported to have mulled a proposal to announce some candidates for 2014 Assembly elections in the State in June this year to give them enough time to prepare for the polls.
The party leaders reportedly reached an idea that the candidates should be declared well in advance at least in those Assembly segments, where there was not much competition among the party leaders to secure mandate.
The novel idea of declaring candidate much ahead of elections was first floated by Samajwadi Party, which had declared 40 candidates for Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh a couple of months ago.
The CWC attended by Dr Abdullah and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, who happened to be working president of the party, decided that the party would start announcing mandate of the candidate from June itself based on performance of Ministers and legislators.
The NC decision assumed significance as Assembly elections in the State are due to be held in November-December 2014.
Sources said the party wanted to take a lead from its rivals especially the principle opposition party, the PDP in announcing the candidates and give them ample opportunity to brace up the cadre for the Assembly polls.
Sources said the Abdullahs voiced concern over the issue raised by several CWC members including the legislators that Congress Ministers were not addressing their issues. They took note of the grudge of party leaders against some of the Congress Ministers and asked the party leaders to take up the issue in National Conference-Congress Co-ordination Committee meeting.
The Chief Minister is reported to have asked the party Ministers and legislators to identity the promises, which the party had made in its election manifesto and which couldn’t be fulfilled during last over four years regime of the Government. He said all such promises were required to be fulfilled in the remaining a little less than two years time.
“We have done a good work but I think a lot more was required to be done. We should identity the areas like employment, where we lagged behind. We should take up these areas and fulfill our commitments before we go to the people,’’ Omar is reported to have said.
He reportedly directed the party leaders especially the Minister to ensure that maximum commitments made to the people during previous Assembly elections were fulfilled.
“Several schemes have not reached to the people. It has become our responsibility to ensure that these schemes benefit the people,’’ he said.
He said the Government functionaries should initiate steps for fast track recruitment of 70,000 to 80,000 vacancies identified by various departments. The CWC identified unemployment as a major factor, which could harm prospectus of the party.
Sources said the issue of deferment of Kashmiri Hindus shrines (protection and management) bill was also taken up by a former legislator, who wanted that it should have been passed after it was introduced in the Assembly after four years. However, yet another legislator was of the view that the bill should exclude the shrines managed by Dharamarth Trust.
“What would be left in the bill if the Trust shrines are left out’’? a very senior party functionary is reported to have remarked.
Meanwhile, speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a book release function at a hotel this afternoon, Farooq said  the advent of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on the national scene will not pose a challenge to the Congress.
“Instead, the Congress will gain in big way,” he said.
“You don’t know Congress. It has a history of 125 years. They (the Congress) want Modi to come (to the Central politics). For them it will be a big thing if he enters the national politics. Congress is not afraid,” he said.
Asked about Modi being termed as “Yamraj” by Congress, Farooq said, “His (Modi’s) fight is not with Farooq Abdullah, his battle is with those who are calling him Yamraj.”
Asked, who would be better Prime Minister—Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi, the NC president quipped: “Farooq Abdullah’’.
On his party’s preparation for the forthcoming elections, Dr Abdullah said that any decision will only be reached after both Congress and NC discuss the issues. On snap poll of Parliament, he said his party was ready for it.
Asked about claims made by Pradesh Congress Committee chief, Prof Saif-ud-din Soz, that his party will emerge as the single largest party in the upcoming State elections and would form the Government either on its own or head the coalition, the Union Minister: “it is his view, I have nothing to do with his view.”
On the fissures between the Congress and NC, the senior leader said that it was the beauty of the democracy to “agree to disagree”.
On Peoples Democratic Party’s absence from the Assembly during the just concluded budget session, Farooq said, “They committed a mistake. They lost the opportunity to highlight the people’s problems in the Assembly”.
On the decisions taken by the party during NC central committees meeting yesterday, he said, “Number of decisions were taken, how to strengthen the party….. The way we have to move forward….. What do we do about various things that have not been done.”
He mentioned that it was difficult to be a part of the coalition set-up.
“Coalition is always tough. Coalition is tough because we have to take into consideration the views of our allies,” he said.
Farooq expressed happiness over Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir’s remark that the families of death row convicts should be informed in advance about their execution.
“Today I am happy that not only us, but the Supreme Court also sees it and understands that what has happened was wrong,” Dr Abdullah said.    The CJI’s remarks came against the backdrop of the family of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru not being informed about his hanging in due time.
Dr Abdullah said his party has time and again highlighted that Guru’s family was not given a chance to meet him.
“We have told this time and again that he was not given a chance, his family was not given a chance to meet him”.
The Union Minister, however, said discussing the issue over and over again would “only lead to pain”.
“Whatever has happened has happened, if we will time and again beat around it, we won’t be able to heal the hearts of people. It will only lead to more pain.
“The time has come that we should make attempts to correct the mistake and ensure that no such mistake is committed in the future,” Dr Abdullah said.
The communication regarding the rejection of Guru’s mercy plea and his subsequent execution had reached his relatives two days after he was hanged on February 9.
When asked why his party did not withdraw from the Congress-led UPA after Guru’s execution, he said, “Why should I withdraw, do you think that Farooq Abdullah’s job is to only withdraw (from the Government).”
On having any prior intimation about Guru’s execution, he said, “Central government has got its own powers and they used their powers without saying anything to the State Government. I am also a member of the Government, I was not informed. I came to know like everybody else”.
Meanwhile, when asked about the revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in the State, Farooq said the Army was the only hurdle in the way of repealing the Act from the State.
“There is a lot of agreement in the Centre, our block is only at one place, that is the army. That is the only block,” Dr Abdullah said.
“I have maintained that wherever there is no need of AFSPA, it should be removed from those places,” he said.
The senior NC leader also raised questions about the imposition of the Act in places like Jammu and Kathua.
“Is there need for AFSPA in Jammu, is there need of AFSPA in Samba, is there need of AFSPA in Kathua? Similarly, there are certain places in the Valley where AFSPA is not required,” he said.
“If something bad happens tomorrow, AFSPA can be re-imposed,” he said.
The NC chief said the Interlocutors in their report had also suggested that AFSPA should be repealed.
However, he said the report presented by them to the Centre should be discussed in Parliament.
“Interlocutors came here, they produced a report. We have been trying that the report should be discussed in Parliament. Let Parliament have the vision to see what is put up by those people,” he said.
Dr Abdullah said it was only by way of discussion that a solution to the Kashmir issue was possible.
Farooq said he was not a Muslim leader but leader of India. “For me, Hindu, Muslims, Sikh and Christians are equal,’’ he asserted.
On Kashmiri cricketer Parvez Rasool’s entry in 30 probables for Champions Trophy, Dr Abdullah, who also happened to be the president of Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA), said: “ it was good for the players of Jammu and Kashmir. It will encourage other players and boost their morale’’.
In the evening, Dr Abdullah visited Ragunath Bazaar and interacted with tourists, shopkeepers and shoppers.
The shopkeepers and members of Ragunath Bazaar association welcomed Dr Abdullah
The NC CWC passed various resolutions.
“The Working Committee expressed full faith and confidence in the leadership of Omar Abdullah. While reviewing the functioning and achievements of Omar led coalition Government since 2009, the Working Committee appreciated the remarkable initiatives taken by the State Government under his leadership to accelerate the process of development in all the regions of the State and for providing transparent and accountable governance to the people,’’ the resolution said.
The Working Committee resolved that the restoration of autonomy continued to be the bed rock of the National Conference’s policy and agenda and the party shall continue to strive for the honour, dignity and self respect of the people of the State.
It resolved that the National Conference, which is committed to equitable development of all the regions of the State in consonance with the aspirations of the people, shall always remain committed to the integrity of the State and continue to strive to protect and preserve the secular democratic pluralistic fabric of the State. The party further resolved that it shall continue its fight against communal and divisive forces.
A handout issued by the NC said the Working Committee reiterated the resolve of the party that AFSPA should be lifted in a phased manner from various parts of the State beginning from the areas where militancy has been substantially reduced and the security apparatus is being handled by the State police and the paramilitary forces.
The Working Committee resolved that in the interest of sustainable peace in the region a sustained and meaningful Indo-Pakistan dialogue must proceed without any impediments and that the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) should be further consolidated and strengthened.
It also resolved that the internal dimensions of the Kashmir issue should also be addressed through a process of dialogue with all shades of opinion, which stands stalled at the moment.
The Working Committee noted that the potentially explosive situation that emerged in Kashmir after Afzal Guru’s hanging was handled effectively by Chief Minister Omar Abdullah by taking necessary measures to curb violence and disruption of peace. It expressed its deep anguish over the denial of the opportunity to the family of Afzal Guru of meeting him before his execution and demanded the return of his mortal remains to the bereaved family.
The Working Committee also expressed its deep gratitude to the people of the State for maintaining peace and communal harmony during most difficult days post Afzal Guru’s hanging.
After discussing the various aspects of the poll alliance with the Indian National Congress for the forthcoming Parliamentary and Assembly elections, the Working Committee resolved to take a decision on the issue at an appropriate time.
The Working Committee also expressed the party’s commitment to ensuring the return and rehabilitation of the displaced Kashmiri Pandits with honour and dignity in the Valley and to take all necessary measures to create a conducive environment for their return.
The Working Committee also resolved that the issues pertaining to the PoK Refugees of 1947 and those refugees of 1965 and 1971 should be addressed as per the law and the constitution of the State of Jammu and Kashmir.