PK for representation to Pandits in new Assembly segments

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 15: Panun Kashmir (PK) held a webinar of it’s Political Affairs Committee today to discuss the recent political developments and also to formulate its responses to the emerging challenges envisaged in the post Covid-19 era.
The webinar was held under the chairmanship of the PK president, Virender Raina and attended by the members including Kamal Bagati, Upinder Koul and Ashok Chrungoo.
Virender Raina while welcoming the appointment of the Delimitation Commission for the UT of Jammu & Kashmir said that the Commission has the opportunity and the responsibility to correct the imbalances in the number of Assembly seats that exists at the moment. There is a need to increase the number of seats in the Jammu region in order to counter the perpetual political hegemony of the Kashmir region in the affairs of the UT of Jammu & Kashmir. “We appeal to the newly constituted Commission to carve out Assembly segments in a manner so as to give fair and due representation to the members of the Kashmiri Pandit Community”.
In the past the unfair and motivated carving of the Assembly segments prevented the representatives of the Kashmiri Pandits to get elected from otherwise Kashmiri Pandit areas. This needs to be corrected by the new Commission. We appeal to the Commission to create Special Assembly segments so that the internally displaced community can find due political representation.