Jugal, Nirmal felicitated at Kathua  

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Apr 9:  District president BJP, in a function organized here today, felicitated State President of the Party Jugal Kishore Sharma and National Executive Member Dr. Nirmal Singh in presence of a large number of Party activists.
Jugal Kishore Sharma, while addressing the function said that it was for the first time in the history of J&K that the State Assembly witnessed such developments which brought down the dignity of the institution when Afzal Guru and Liaqat Ali were discussed with pride and those who wanted to raise public issues like jobs, ration, development, discrimination, price-rise, corruption were suspended and thrown out of the House forcibly using marshals.
He said that the BJP will never allow the parties like NC, PDP and Congress to encourage anti-national elements. Even Party MLAs are ready to be dismissed from the Assembly but our principles and commitment for the nation and masses cannot be bought at any cost. He declared to continue the tirade against anti-national forces and strengthen national forces.
Dr. Nirmal Singh said that the Congress-led UPA-, during the last 9 years at the Centre gave one scam after other totaling to 4 lakh crores.  The UPA created records in corruption and promoting the black-marketers and indulging in appeasement policies. He said that 65 per cent of youth in India is around 35 years of age and unemployed. What leadership will give in 21st century to the nation when 65 per cent of its youth is jobless and Government has no concrete policy for them.