Efforts to continue for lifting travel advisories: Omar

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 9: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said that Government would continue its efforts to get travel advisories lifted by US and other countries to rope in high-end tourists in the State.
“As a tourist State the growth and development of economy in Jammu and Kashmir is largely associated with successful and productive tourist seasons”, he said and expressed the hope that current tourist season will be blooming and highly prolific.
Speaking to the members of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) J&K Chapter led by its President Anil Mahajan at a meeting here, the Chief Minister said that trade and tourism are the two significant pillars of economy and these complement each other in their growth.
The Chief Minister said that holistic development of local entrepreneurs has been flagged as a priority concerns by the Government in its industrial development policy. He said Government would continue to help and facilitate local industrialists to invest in joint ventures, in PPP mode projects and launch of their individual projects in the private sector.
The CII members shared their experience of the tour they conducted as a J&K business delegation to United States recently. They gave details of their interactions with US Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador of India to USA and others. They said that among other things they advocated for removal of travel advisory by US Government and also explored possibilities of trade links with US business community.
The Chief Minister said that the Government would provide all help to the CII to showcase Jammu and Kashmir handicrafts and tourist potential all over the world.
Minister for Tourism, G. A. Mir and Commissioner Secretary Industries and Commerce, Shantmanu were also present in the meeting among others.