Mufti couldn’t generate Rs 50,000 cr: Sadhotra

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 17: Former minister and NC legislator, Ajay Sadhotra today asked why Mufti Mohd Sayeed failed to generate Rs 50,000 crore from Natural resources when he was Chief Minister of the State for three years.
Reacting sharply to his recent remarks in the public against National Conference leadership, Mr Sadhotra said, “When Mufti Sayeed was occupying the high office of the Chief Minister for the period of three years he never realized the importance of earning Revenue by way of properly utilizing the natural resources of the State nor took keen interest in improving the financial health of the State. It is only now the desperate PDP top brass is raking the issue of generating Rs 50,000 crore through natural resources.
“No one stopped Mufti Sayeed from taking bold initiatives and renegotiating discriminatory water agreements aimed at generating resources for the State”, Mr Sadhotra maintained.
Referring to the PDP’s claim of restoring dignity and honour of the people, Mr Sadhotra said, “Why Mufti Sayeed failed to restore dignity and honour of the lakhs of Kashmiri migrants during his tenure as Home Minister when poor KPs were being driven out of the Kashmir valley. Why he failed to rehabilitate them in a dignified manner and apply balm on their wounds”, Sadhotra added.
While countering PDP’s campaign of Self Rule document as the viable solution Sadhotra said the PDP leadership was only befooling people of the State by raising the bogey of self rule again and again to dilute the only viable solution projected by National Conference which is autonomy. He said rising graph of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has created sheer frustration among the leadership and ranks of the PDP and in order to save their party PDP leadership is making issues out of non issues.