League of Indian Bar elects new executive, administrative bodies

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 10: In an election meeting held at New Delhi new Executive and Administrative bodies of “The League of Indian Bar” New Delhi have been elected.
A very young and dynamic lawyer Nonu Khera from J&K High Court has been elected as Chairman, whereas Deepak Singh Balouria, Advocate, J&K High Court has been elected as president.
In the same election Advocates from Jharkhand, Punjab and Haryana, Gawhati, Sikkim, Delhi, Uttrakhand, UP, Rajasthan and J&K, High Courts have been elected for different posts in administrative and executive bodies.
The League of Indian Bar is an Association which included lawyers and jurists from different States of the country with its headquarters at Delhi and is aimed to promote and spread professional excellency and global legal vision among the lawyers fraternity through out the country by organizing seminars, workshops, discussions and conferences through out the country.