Govt neither allowing discussion on CAG in Legislature nor responding to observations

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Apr 10:  Notwithstanding the fact that findings/observations of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India are aimed at ensuring remedial actions and accountability for the deficiencies and lapses, Government is neither allowing discussion on report nor responding to check the irregularities and ensure compliance to the recommendations.
Like every year, the CAG report was tabled on the floor of the Legislature on last day of the Budget Session in order to avoid discussion on the findings and criticism from the Members of both the Houses despite being pointed out by several MLAs/MLCs, who termed this act on the part of the Government as an attempt to keep its shortcomings and financial irregularities under the carpet for obvious reasons.
The non-adherence to the audit reports by the Government has also been pointed by the CAG in its latest report and this puts a huge question mark on the tall claims of those at the helm of affairs vis-à-vis promoting accountability and transparency.
“The Audit Reports represent the culmination of the process of scrutiny starting with initial inspection of accounts and records maintained in various offices and departments of the Government. It is, therefore, necessary that they elicit appropriate and timely response from the Executives”, the CAG said, adding “the State Finance Department had issued instructions to all the Administrative Departments to submit suo-moto Action Taken Notes (ATNs) indicating corrective/remedial action taken or proposed to be taken on paragraphs and performance audits included in the Audit Reports within three months of their presentation to the Legislature without waiting for any notice or call from the Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU)/Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
However, it has been noticed that out of 395 Audit Paragraphs featuring in the Civil Chapters of Audit Reports from 2000-01 to 2010-11, suo-moto Action Taken Reports in respect of 203 Audit Paragraphs had not been received by the Principal Accountant General (Audit) up to July 31, 2012.
Similarly 51 Audit Paragraphs featuring in the Commercial Activities Chapters of Audit Reports from 2000-01 to 2010-11, suo-moto Action Taken Notes in respect of 24 Audit Paragraphs had not been received up to September 30, 2012.
“Action Taken Notes duly vetted by the Principal Accountant General (Audit) on the observations/recommendations made by the PAC/COPU in respect of the Audit Paragraphs discussed by them are to be furnished to these committees within six months from the date of such observations/recommendations”, the CAG said, adding “out of 375 Audit Paragraphs featuring in Civil Chapters of Audit Reports for the years from 2000-01 to 2009-10 (excluding Audit Reports presented in State Legislature on April 4, 2012), only 133 Audit Paragraphs have been discussed by the PAC up to March 31, 2012”.
“Though recommendations in respect of 128 Audit Paragraphs have been made by the PAC, Action Taken Notes on the recommendations of the Committee are pending from the State Government in respect of 102 paragraphs”, the CAG said.
Similarly, out of 45 Audit Paragraphs featuring in the Commercial Activities Chapters of the Audit Reports, recommendations had been made in respect of 31 Audit Paragraphs, which were discussed by COPU. However, Action Taken Notes on the recommendations were pending in respect of 21 Audit Paragraphs till September 2012.
Taking serious note of non-submission of suo-moto Action Taken Notes and delay in follow-up action on Audit Reports, the CAG has recommended that the Government should ensure sending of replies to draft paragraphs/Action Taken Notes on the recommendations of COPU/PAC as per the prescribed time and revamp system of responding to audit observations.