Arms haul in Kupwara forests, searches on

Fayaz Bukhari

Huge cache of arms and ammunition recovered by Army in North Kashmir’s Rajwar forests on Wednesday.

SRINAGAR, Apr 10: Security forces have launched a major operation against militants in North Kashmir’s Rajwar forests in the frontier district of Kupwara that has been major militant hideout for past several years. Huge cache of arms and ammunition was recovered in the operation that has been going on for past several days.
Commander 7-Sector Rashtriya Rifles of Army, Brigadier A Arun told Excelsior that operation was launched two days back after reports of militant movement in the forest area.
Brigadier Arun said that last night as part of on-going operation, searches were conducted in Waderbala area of the forests during which huge cache of arms and ammunition were recovered. He said that the arms and ammunition was found concealed in a box in a Nallah in the forests.
The army commander said that six rifles, nine RPG grenades/rounds, 36 RPG Booster, 19 AK magazines, 25 rounds of AK ammunition, 500 grams of RDX, six pistol silencer, 119 UBGL rounds  and two disposal rocket launchers were recovered from the hideout.
Brigadier Arun said that security forces are investigating whether the weapon was dumped here recently or last year before the snowfall. “Was these arms and ammunition meant for fresh group of militants is being looked at”, he added.
The army commander said that search operation in the forests is going on and more weapon recoveries are expected. He said that this area was snow covered till last week and security forces want to search the entire forest area before calling off the operation.
Brigadier Arun said that there has been no infiltration this year in Rajwar sector but security forces received general information about the militant movement in the area after which operation was launched.  He said that the recovery of the arms and ammunition has no connection with infiltration.
For the past several years Rajwar forests has been major hideout of militants and major infiltration route.  Last year army and police achieved major success against militants especially Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT). They eliminated around two dozen militants in the Rajwar forest area in last couple of years.
The infiltration attempts of LeT in this sector received major setback last year in August when Army and police in a joint operation eliminated Divisional Commander of LeT, Abu Hanzala. He was the oldest surviving commander of the outfit whose job was to facilitate infiltration of militants into Kashmir valley through Line of Control (LoC).
Sources said after suffering huge casualties last year militants this year have decided to abandon the Rajwar route for infiltration. “They are now concentrating on alternate routes in Macchil and Keran sector of Kupwara”, sources added.
Sources said that around 800 highly trained militants are waiting across on the LoC on launching pads in Macchil and Keran sectors to infiltrate into Kashmir. Army has further strengthened the anti-infiltration grid in the area to take on the challenge.
Meanwhile, Kupwara police defused a live RL shell in an orchid in Sogam area in district Kupwara.
Police said that a live RL shell was found in an orchard of Ghulam Mohammed Wani resident of Sogam, Kupwara. Kupwara Police and 28-RR rushed to the spot. The shell was defused at the site without causing any harm.
In Kupwara district large number of casualties have been caused due to littered explosives during past few years.
In the past few years, littered explosives, shells and live ammunition has led to death of more than 28 persons and caused grievous injuries to three dozen people across the State.
Investigation into such deaths have found that majority of those killed and injured were children. The children, according to police, are caught unaware as they take the abandoned explosives and ammunition as playing items. It also came to fore that many of the children were handicapped for life due to such explosions.