World-before Corona and after Corona

Sunil Seth
Analogy to Corona is Avtara. As and when the Earth had been to be freed from its vices, an Avtara was born as per Hindu Mythology to set the system and the inhabitants of the Mother Earth on right path. Onset of Corona and its spread across the World irrespective of the Rich and the Poor; Developed, Developing and Under-Developed nations got affected by the Virus and is supposed to be an invisible force for a common man, which is seen as an indication for the inhabitants of this Mother Earth to re jig the ways and to rethink the ways onto the path we are heading forward towards technological advances. Comfort, Efficiency and Dominance over the other Nation, are the Buzz issues on which whole of our scientific endeavor is concentrating, thereby , giving way to the Holistic development The mere fact that the environment got cleared within days is a signal that, we are only worried about our personal hygiene but least bothered about the hygiene of the Earth intentionally or unintentionally. Achilles heel was our expectation to advance technologically to our fullest and give competition to the Almighty God. Nations got a shock. Economy came to stand still. Even the super power like America is helpless at the hands of the nature. It may be an intentional move by China as the world perceives. Reaction from America and mere Tweets by the American President were enough to destabilize the Economies adding fuel to the fire. Life was off the wheels; still like an abysmal deep Ocean.
The world seemed to stop. Every individual was compelled to think that the world has stopped and then what next? A big question mark on our Economies too. Probably, the Corona is going to revamp the perception of all individuals and nations as well. Strategic, Business, Behavioral, Consumer, Health and Education Models are going to have a diametrically and drastically opposite shift. Electronic Gadgets like Computers and mobiles were considered to be an illegitimate Wives but now every individual has to marry these Gadgets. You can live without your Wife but living without these gadgets is unimaginable and next to impossible now. The Lockdown Era has shown that this was the only mode to be in touch within the family as well with the outer world, that too, from your place itself, with minimum of movement and maximum of convenience. As the Eras have been categorized as Before Christ i.e. B.C. and Ano-Domini i.e. A.D. before in the past; in the same way, it should be categorized as before Corona and after Corona i.e. BC and AC here after. For India it is going to be true. Negative sentiment against China is going to be a boon for India. India being a preferred destination for foreign investments because of the Demographic Dividend as highlighted by the revered PM, time and again, so nothing on earth can stop an event which is destined to come. A famous dialogue from a Bollywood film also endorses that when something is bound to happen, whole of the world conspires to bring that on ground. COVID 19, probably, is an opportunity, if handled, properly by we the Indians. Maturity of the highest level is expected from all us now. Quote seems appropriate to describe the French writer, Victor Hugo for Jio Platform. The platform is a bright spot of sunshine. Indeed, it won’t be an exaggeration to say the Reliance has become a proxy for Global Investments in India. This is how the FAANG (Face Book; Amazon; Apple; Netflix and Google) evolved as digital Behemoth.
This is how the Reliance too will be transferring Jio into a Digital Behemoth. Jio has talked about digitizing 60million micro, small and medium enterprises in the informal sectors, followed by FDI in Airtel, thereby, creating jobs. It is also a clear reflection of the fact about dominance of Internet and IOT in the times to come. Concepts of work from home among the Corporate World and e-Learning or On-Line classes in the field of Education are going to have an impact on Behavioral and Educational Models, highlighting the fact that the Business World has started foreseeing the different lucrative aspects i.e. what will flourish after Corona.
Lockdown Era has highlighted the fact that Life after Corona is Life of Internet and the Internet of Things. Moreover, India, being the most preferred destination and China facing the Global Isolation because of the negative sentiment, many countries have started the movement to shift their businesses out of China. Demographic Dividend coupled with cheap labor will be an icing on the cake for making it reality instead of perception as far as our country is concerned. This fact is indicative of a probable shift in the Business Centre at the World Level in the times to come. Barring the Medical Repercussions because of COVID 19, it will be ‘Blessing in Disguise’ for India as far as the dream of ‘Make in India’ is concerned. Beginning is the Jio Platform. Let’s be optimist and united on all fronts, to be a ‘Golden Bird’ or ‘Sone ki Chidiya’ once again as it used to. A new Saga has started and needs to be handled carefully as it is always written on fragile items that’ Handle with Care’.