
Thursday June 18-2020

Aries : The monotony of your humdrum existence will get to you today, says Ganesha. A change of décor is what you may have in mind. Money may not be an issue, and a quick fix may result in a little partying in the evening. You want to show off your beautiful and serene ambience, don’t you?

Taurus : Today, you may not find the courage to say no even when you disagree with people, predicts Ganesha. Important decisions may see procrastination due to lack of necessary inputs. A few long-standing deals will end on a happy note by evening, says Ganesha.

Gemini : There seems to be a mood of celebration in your family. However, you will be busy handling a business deal while your family enjoys the occasion. You are likely to go on a tour for business purposes later in the day. You will devote time to achieving professional success rather than celebrating a personal achievement, says Ganesha.

Cancer : In all likelihood, today, you are likely to strike a balance between your professional and personal life, predicts Ganesha. The work will be interesting and stimulating, while your time with family will be peaceful and soothing.

Leo : It is always a small world till you dream big! Ganesha foresees chances of you transcending your regular boundaries as you combine forces with people and conceive interests larger than what most people dream of. This route is not the easiest, in that it may be hard to convince people who see differently, especially conservative bosses. But with luck on your side, you shall see your ongoing business deals coming to happy conclusions. It would be prudent to hold your cards close and delay important decisions in the evening, advises Ganesha.

Virgo : The way you feel today will bring about many changes in your behaviour, says Ganesha. You will probably make some choices that will involve some high expenditure. In the afternoon, you may entertain relatives and friends at home, says Ganesha.

Libra : For all purposes intact, Ganesha foresees chances that today you may have an overwhelming urge and desire to renovate your home. It may be the small things, but even a new showpiece can go a long way in adding to the general décor of the house. So go ahead and jazz it up a bit. Towards the evening, your natural ability to be an appealing performer comes to the fore. Let the ones around you expect a shinning display of your talents.

Scorpio : Today will be a favourable day to conclude transactions in houses or vehicles, foresees Ganesha. On the business front, you will possibly get lesser profits than expected. At work, your negotiating skills will save your money from being swindled by others. Sincere efforts and hard work will help you stay ahead of competition.

Sagittarius : Ganesha foresees signals of you being calm and in control to safeguard the sentiments of your dear ones. The afternoon is scheduled to be either the time for a business meet or for some fun and frolic. However, the evening may be heavy on your pocket as you may spend a lot to improve your appearance.

Capricorn : Ambitions give direction to life. You will harbour quite a few today, says Ganesha. At work, you will strive for perfection and watch out for every minute detail that can ruin the expected results. Also, you will be brilliant with executing ideas and ensuring coordination among team mates. At the end of it all, you can expect to get positive results for your day’s work.

Aquarius : Action is your forte, so seize the initiative and you will come out a winner! The afternoon sees you happy, but heavy-duty work may take a toll on you. Relax a bit — listen to music, play with your pet, or simply don your best attire and step out to socialise!

Pisces : Your honesty is your hallmark, and it will reap bountiful rewards for you today, both at the workplace on account of your integrity, and in relationships on account of your sincerity, says Ganesha. Financially also, it promises to be a good day.